It is with heavy hearts that we announce the death of the young holistic Dr. Annie Fairbanks of Scottsdale AZ.

Why we can’t say the name of the sacred plant


Hey there,

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the death of the young holistic Dr. Annie Fairbanks of Scottsdale AZ. She was self described holistic, and the 77th doctor in my unintended series thus far. The news was just released hours ago that she and her entire family were found shot to death in their home.

You can read the details of the holistic doctor and family by clicking here. Our heart goes out to friends and loved one, including many who have written us today.

On a brighter note, and an odd segue, we had to let you know replay weekend for all 7 episodes of the Sacred Plant is going on now. We don’t say the name of the herb due to censorship but figure you are hip to what it is. We’d planned on sending out a reminder this morning, Saturday, but then had this tragic news so this is getting out a bit later than expected.

Until next time, stay safe, hug your family, pets, loved ones, heck, even hug your enemies (hopefully you have no enemies!) and remember to treasure every day, every moment, every hug.

XO Erin

PS if the docuseries on the plant might help a friend or family member in need be sure to forward them the link or this email!!

Health Nut News : Such a tragic day with much loss




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Such a tragic day with much loss

Hey there,

It’s been a rough 24 hours with the tragedy in Las Vegas, and so many gone. I just was there earlier this year to lecture to 3,000 doctors and visit Mandalay Bay. I’m thinking of all the victims and their families, sitting here listening to Tom Petty tunes as I tear up. CBS and mainstream reported Petty’s death while he was still alive, but in the end he passed after all, on the same day, just making it all the more tragic. We waited to do an article until it was confirmed by his manager.

I just wanted to send you a quick email before I leave to speak at Truth About Cancer’s second annual live conference in Orlando. If you cannot attend and see me or 40+ holistic doctors and experts, you can watch it here LIVE for free.

I spoke at last year’s event in Dallas, Oct 2016, just after hurricane Matthew hit us, and am looking forward to going again this year 2017. It’s a little bit like deja vu with Irma.

There is a great article in this update: A $200M donation has been made to UC Irvine for the hospital to go more holistic. Read about it here.

There are more breaking stories below, like the new published study that shows the link between the flu shot and significant increase in miscarriages.

Until next time, stay safe and hug your loved ones, humans and pets, and appreciate each day. I know I will.

 XO Erin

PS support us with a like on Facebook here, as they have been censoring us like mad


Girl, 8, left with no skin after horrific allergic reaction to childhood vaccination meant it fell off when mum touched her

At 18 months old, Isabel Olesen of Melbourne, Australia was taken to her pediatrician’s office for routine vaccinations (the kind that almost never cause a reaction and yet, our website is FULL of children who have suffered or died from very “rare” vaccine reactions) that ended up leaving her partially blind and covered with painful blisters all over her body, just 48

hours later.




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10 American foods that are banned in

other countries

Americans are slowly waking up to the sad fact that much of the food sold in the US is far inferior to the same foods sold in other nations. In fact, many of the foods you eat are BANNED in other countries.

Here, I’ll review 10 American foods that are banned elsewhere, which were featured in a recent MSN article.




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Flu vaccination during early pregnancy linked to nearly eightfold risk of miscarriage

Most pregnant women know to abstain from alcohol, tobacco and other obvious toxins to protect the child growing in their womb, but what about vaccines? In recent years, pregnant women have been told to get an increasing number of vaccinations, even though there’s a shocking lack of studies to confirm the safety for mother and child.




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Cannabis Oil cures 3-year-old boy of cancer after doctors gave him 48 hours to live / Breastmilk Does What A Vaccine Can Never Do / The Dangers Of Nightshades: Why Eating The Wrong Fruits And Vegetables Can Make Pain Worse / Why Coconut Oil Won’t Kill You. But Listening to the American Heart Association Might!

Hi there 😉

I just wanted to send you a quick update with some breaking articles below. I’ve also included a link to an online summit I’m featured in that goes live today, with some cutting edge interview from holistic doctors/experts from around the world. You can watch us on video right now. It’s all free so check it out the online event by clicking here.
I’ll keep this email short and sweet, but promise to share some major upcoming events where I’ll be lecturing (and emcee’ing as well) later this year around the country.
Until next time!
Erin Elizabeth
PS and I know many have been asking about the organic raw CBD oil I take which I’ve found is the one that truly works for me. You can find it by clicking here. We ask that you use the link below the video, as we sell nothing and that commission from this one single product is the only thing that keeps this activist site going! 
Vaccines are deliberately made with all sorts of bizarre ingredients, the CDC confirms. These ingredients include toxic heavy metals, animal blood components, human fetal tissue, monkey kidney cells, inflammatory chemicals that harm nerve cells, chemical preservatives, taste-enhancing chemicals (like MSG) and much more.
To claim that breastmilk is the gold standard in infant nutrition is an understatement. For a newborn, nothing comes close in nutrient density which is so perfectly customized for an infant as it grows. Breast-fed infants gain incredible protection from antibodies, proteins and immune cells in breastmilk. It defends against a myriad of pathogens in ways that are impossible through vaccination and other pharmaceuticals.
Carole Baggerly is the founder director of GrassrootsHealth. Her organization’s mission is to increase awareness about vitamin D and the crucial role it plays in many aspects of your health. Carole is on the cutting edge of vitamin D research, with her finger on the pulse of some of the world’s leading vitamin D scientists. Prior to this focus, Carole’s educational background included physics and mathematics, and she owned and managed an aerospace business.
Based on birth certificate data, teen birthrates are dropping. In 2015, the teen birthrate hit a record low, dropping 8%. In 2014, the birthrate per 1000 teen girls (aged 15 to 19) fell to 22.3 births. Since 1991 there’s been a 64% decrease.
The CDC is touting (as you can imagine) the success of birth control. After all, they’ve spent decades as “pharma’s marketing voice.”1 But, what if something else more sinister is responsible for the lower birthrate?
Vaccines are deliberately made with all sorts of bizarre ingredients, the CDC confirms. These ingredients include toxic heavy metals, animal blood components, human fetal tissue, monkey kidney cells, inflammatory chemicals that harm nerve cells, chemical preservatives, taste-enhancing chemicals (like MSG) and much more.
Vaccines are deliberately made with all sorts of bizarre ingredients, the CDC confirms. These ingredients include toxic heavy metals, animal blood components, human fetal tissue, monkey kidney cells, inflammatory chemicals that harm nerve cells, chemical preservatives, taste-enhancing chemicals (like MSG) and much more.
By now, I’m sure you’ve seen the USA Today article entitled, “Coconut oil isn’t healthy. It’s never been healthy”. Fear-mongering, attention-grabbing headlines certainly sell copy, but do not make for evidence-informed, high-quality science reporting.
Most of us know that too much alcohol can cause a fat liver and without a lifestyle change, the accumulation of that fat can lead to liver failure(which can be fatal). However, it seems that there’s another form of fat accumulation in the liver that has zero to do with consumption of alcohol and it’s called non-alcoholic liver disease or NAFDL. In developed countries, NAFDL is considered the most common liver disorder and (not shockingly) estimated to be present in 30% of American adults.
Did you know that our sense of smell is the only sense directly tied to the limbic area of the brain, which is considered the emotional control center? This means that when essential oils are inhaled, they go directly to the brain. Our other four senses – taste, sight, touch, and hearing – are first routed through the thalamus before reaching designated areas of the brain. Because the limbic system is directly connected to the parts of the brain that control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels, and hormone balance, therapeutic-grade essential oils can have unbelievable physiological and psychological effects.
You probably have at least one box of baking soda in your home right now. If you’re like many Americans, you might have a box in your pantry for baking, one in your refrigerator to absorb odors and another under your kitchen sink to use for cleaning. What you might not have considered is that baking soda can be used for health purposes, too, so you might want to stash another box in your medicine cabinet.
The Fluoride Action Network (FAN), along with a coalition of environmental and public health groups has filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in response to their denial of our petition under Section 21 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) seeking a ban on water fluoridation.
Nightshades are a specific group of plants belonging to the Solanaceae family which includes over 2,000 species. They are also some of the most popular foods consumed today; they include tomatoes, potatoes, all types of peppers, and eggplant. Not truly a nightshade member but containing the same inflammation-inducing alkaloids are blueberries, huckleberries, goji berries and ashwaganda (Indian Ginseng).
According to U.S. heart experts, coconut oil is as unhealthy as beef fat and butter. Experts say this because it’s packed with saturated fat which they claim raises “bad” cholesterol. however, it’s not that simple…
Detoxifying the breast represents a good solution for purification of the toxins that linger in organism. Detoxing is one way to prevent the cancer. The newest research reveals that the most common cause of cancer is occurring on the places where cosmetic preparation are used in the underarm area. Breast cancer depends from the hormones whose growth depends from the estrogen levels…
There’s nothing more uncomfortable than sitting down to a nice meal or relaxing by the fire after a day in the great outdoors only to feel a hitchhiking tick crawling up the back of your neck. Well, you may never encounter such a scenario ever again after you learn this genius technique. The process is extremely simple yet highly effective. It will have you asking, “Why didn’t I think of this?!”
(And it’s ORGANIC!)
In over 2  years of having my site  I’d never been an affiliate for or even endorsed a product. I’ve been asked by a few big name brands, but they never had the right fit.

Then, while traveling in December, I tripped over a clear phone cord that was left out and I came down hard. I don’t think my friends even knew how bad off I was. It wasn’t just the pain I was experiencing, but I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t focus, and the torn shoulder, separated AC joint, hand/wrist injury and broken collar bone didn’t help either.

Click here for entire article

A Warning In 2012 About Creatures From Another Planet / Whom Destroys Everything On Unlivable For Them …… Mother Earth!

David Icke 2012 Remember Who You Are Part 3





David Icke 2012 Remember Who You Are Part 4


















Great way to end the show and the message is LOVE



+640abdalla You are quite right, however I think some of us are cleaning our scythes, pitchforks and axes ready for the ready! We will love each other always, never forget.
Nikkie M

Great talk. I watched all 4 parts. Thanks David Icke. Much appreciated.



…Open soul heart and mind…


Denise James

On the last days of my Dads life, he told everyone that it was “all about LOVE”…. This was unlike him even though he became loving towards the last several years. Very powerful























Bombs? For Poisoning Flint Michigan / Gassing Standing Rock:(….

Steven Gundry. MD discussing rapid weight loss diet with / Randy Alvarez Of The Wellness Hour









If you’d like more detailed information on the subject of LECTIN…please email Chef Sharynne at:




THE PLANT PARADOX (Sneak preview of Dr. Steven Gundry’s new book)



Indigenous evidence video 1 of many to come from Digital Smoke Signals……






Digital Smoke Signals with Frances Fisher and 10 others.

March 27 at 8:41am · 2017

Today Mike Fasig, Izzy Hernandez and BJ Nastacio will be heading to their preliminary court date for Class C Felony Charges. Kyle Thompson has not been charged. Prayers up, tobacco down.

Indigenous evidence video 1 of many to come from Digital Smoke Signals.

Filmed through Indigenous Eyes as a visual legal narrative, documenting on “Broken treaty lands” violations, county jurisdiction violations and arrest by federal officers.



TYT News ; Amy Goodman Reporting










Today Mike Fasig, Izzy Hernandez and BJ Nastacio will be heading to their preliminary court date for Class C Felony Charges. Kyle Thompson has not been charged. Prayers up, tobacco down.

Indigenous evidence video 1 of many to come from Digital Smoke Signals.

Filmed through Indigenous Eyes as a visual legal narrative, documenting on “Broken treaty lands” violations, county jurisdiction violations and arrest by federal officers.



Standing Rock Water Protectors with ‘DAPL cough’: get tested for poisoning – People’s Tribune…….

Antonio Sanchez shared I Support The Lakota 57’s post.

Yesterday at 5:26am ·

Whenever I have spoken about seeing an airplane spraying over Oceti Sakowin Camp, I was admonished, called an “alarmist”.

I Support The Lakota 57
March 27 at 9:58pm ·



Standing Rock Water Protectors with ‘DAPL cough’: get tested for poisoning – People’s Tribune

Water Protectors who have traveled to the camps at Standing Rock have reported contracting a condition they refer to as the DAPL cough. Symptoms of…

Part 1 Mt Shasta Secret Space Program Conference – Corey Goode Presentation





Part 2 Mt Shasta Secret Space Program Conference – Corey Goode Presentation




Ugly News But Pedophiles Must Be Stopped ! Part 24: Pedophile News: People Of TRUST? Not Any More!!!!!! Not Ever!

David Wilcock | Corey Goode: The Antarctic Atlantis [MUST SEE LIVE DISCLOSURE!]

Carlos Buffalohair published an article on WordPress.

February 28 at 9:14am ·



Haiti Pedophile News: Cynthia Verna Speaks Out Against Sexual Abuse of Haiti Children by Elitists – (Creole)…/haiti-pedophile-news-cy…

The Elite 1%: Pedophile’s Fallen Angels with women of the Earth created Giants. They have been destroyed 3 times already this is going to be their last time! So think positive clean thoughts yourselves during this period of time.