RE:It is with a heavy heart that I announce we had another holistic doctor die just days ago. which makes 80 in our unintended series.




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Compelling and Direct Headling

Hey there,

It is with a heavy heart that I announce we had another holistic doctor die just days ago, which makes 80 in our unintended series. I’m not sure I’ve ever received so many emails from loving patients, some just out of college, and some very elderly. He was quite the pioneer, author, radio show host, and healer.

Dr Winer was visiting here in Florida when we are told he was found on the sidewalk after a heart attack, but still alive. They didn’t do an autopsy because the medical examiner said it wasn’t necessary. He was brought in as a John Doe because he didn’t have ID on him, and presumed missing by his relatives. I have talked with family who contacted me and are grieving right now, but thankfully made it there before he died and were holding his hand until the end. Apparently he never regained consciousness. You can read the whole story in the link below.

Also we are sad to announce that just today it was announced that Nestlé is buying Garden of Life which you can read about by clicking here.

It makes me feel better, that, after four long years, I finally launched a few products and our line will slowly grow. It was either that or bankroll my team that is growing. Our line is organic, locally sourced, made by a manufacturer in my home town I’ve known for years, and a brand I trust and put my name on. (They even have a chocolate factory! I’m urging my parents to take a tour). We’ll never sell out either. I promise you that.

I was also surprised to find out this week that our website the subject of a show on CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corporation radio) heard by millions.

I’ll make a video which I’ll share next time about that, as they interviewed one of the writers at Snopes. (It’s pretty funny)

Our site is featured in December’s Prevention Magazine as well. But the once super ethical magazine, which was founded on natural health principles, seems to have made an about-face. They definitely picked on the truth teller top holistic health websites, and suppose I should be flattered they included me. Their founder would roll over in his grave, as their once inspiring honest health magazine seems to be laden with drug ads and sounds like a big pharma mouth piece to me. Once upon a time I was a fan, so the direction in which they’ve gone saddens us. More on that next time.

There are some GOOD news stories below too from this week too!

I’m home for the holidays so will be writing more soon!


Erin Elizabeth

PS Can you click on our social media links below and give us a like or follow? People are always asking what they can do, and this really helps! That, and sharing our articles far and wide.


80th Doctor Dead: Holistic, Prominent and Outspoken

Update: Initially, Dr James Winer’s office staff would not say how he died. They publicly stated they didn’t want people calling the office asking questions, either.

Then our story came out. Hours later, after they were inundated by many more inquiries, they said he died of cardiac arrest in another state. (We have now learned that was here in Florida). Dr. Jim was brought in as a John Doe and was missing for days while his family searched unable to find him since he’d had no ID on him.) We are so sorry he died unexpectedly and have answers in our story.




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ABC: Months after holistic doctor shot by police, officers still not interviewed by investigators and family wants answers





(Note from Erin: Our heart goes out to Justine’s family, friends, and our very close mutual friends of Dr. Justine Damond, who were all devastated at her death.)

We know Justine’s family has recently retained the same attorney that Philando Castille’s family had hired when he, the Montessori school worker, was shot to death by an officer in the same force.




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‘Meat Glue’ & Other Ingredients in California Roll Sushi, Gummy Bears & Salad Dressings Are Now Implicated in Leaky Gut & Mysterious Autoimmune Diseases

If you are dedicated and serious about healing leaky gut and autoimmune disease, I need you to know about a recent study that IDs seven food additives that trigger leaky gut, or at the very least contribute to the condition. So what, exactly, is leaky gut? Known in the medical literature for more than a 100 years as “intestinal permeability,” in my opinion, many modern doctors don’t know how to ID and treat leaky gut. That’s a shame because it’s believed to be at the root of which is at the root of many diseases.




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Philippines prepared for ‘worst-case scenario’ after 733,000 given dengue vaccine that could worsen disease





A dengue fever vaccine, that was recently given to 730,000 school aged Filipino children, has been found to be dangerous and useless. Effective immediately, the country is suspending its immunization program following the new revelations from Sanofi Pasteur.




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She beat cancer with Vitamin B17

Cancer is a scary word and the conventional medicine “cure” is just as scary. That’s part of the reason we like to bring you alternative options besides the old slash and burn method.




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Hired “experts” infiltrating the media to confuse us about food. Don’t let them fool you.

As we become more aware of the chemicals present on the food we put into our bodies, the establishment gets a little nervous. For every person who stops eating conventionally grown fruits and veggies, for each family who no longer purchases ready to eat meals or “food” containing HFGS (high fructose corn syrup), they lose dollars. Lots of dollars. And they are starting to get worried.




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A doctor who won’t use a computer loses her license to practice medicine

Anna Konopka, an 84-year-old medical doctor originally from Poland and currently practicing in New London, New Hampshire, has lost her license for refusing to practice what she calls “electronic medicine.” Get this, rather than keep electronic records or record patient data on a computer, she handwrites her patient records and keeps them in file cabinets. You know, those big tall things with drawers that pull out? Good for her!




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ABC: AI brain implants that can change a person’s mood are tested on humans by US military

The US military has begun testing AI brain implants on humans. These ‘mind control’ implants (chips) emit electronic pulses that alter brain chemistry, and therefore someone’s mood, in a process called ‘deep brain stimulation.’ If they are proven to work, the government could use them to treat “a number of mental health conditions and to ensure a better response to therapy”. 1 The study was published in the journal Nature.




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American Heart Association president suffers heart attack at 52

In the health paradox of the year, 52-year-old cardiologist John Warner, president of the American Heart Association (AHA), recently suffered a heart attack in the middle of a health conference. In a statement, the association reported Warner was in stable condition after having a stent placed to open a blocked artery. Part of Warner’s speech at the Scientific Sessions conference in Anaheim, California, centered around his own family’s struggle with heart disease.




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Dr. Mercola & Dr. Greger on ‘How Not To Die’

Check out the full interview below with Dr. Mercola and Dr. Greger, MD a nutrition expert, physician, founder of, and the author of an excellent new book, “How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease.”




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3 scary reasons why you should never put factory-farmed chicken in your mouth again

Demand for food at cheaper prices has dramatically altered the entire food chain. Today, food production revolves around efficiency—the ability to produce more for less. This mindset has significant ramifications for both animal and human health, and the environment. Today, nearly 65 billion animals worldwide, including cows, chickens, and pigs, are crammed into confined animal feeding operations known as CAFOs.




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In the Lymelight

Over 40 Pages!




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RE: Lawyer for Vegas shooting musician Jason Aldean dies suddenly weeks after attack

Lawyer for Vegas shooting musician Jason Aldean dies suddenly weeks after attack

The reported (and prominent) Nashville attorney representing country music singer Jason Aldean and the Route 91 music festival, Orville Almon Jr., has passed away unexpectedly at the age of 66. 1 His death, which was listed as “natural causes,” marks the 5th unexpected death of someone connected to the festival. It is believed he died from an unexpected “seizure during sleep.”



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PBS Films: The Vietnam War A Film by Ken Burns / Lynn Novick


American Experience

The Presidents: LBJ

LBJ pushed progressive programs before the Vietnam War eroded his support.
Available now on your streaming device.
Watch Now

Independent Lens

The Weather Underground

The Weather Underground members discuss their violent efforts to stop the Vietnam War.
Available now on your streaming device.
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StoryCorps Short: Tom’s War

Tom Geerdes remembers his journey toward healing after returning home from the war.
Available now on your streaming device.
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Origin of Everything

Why are 18 Year Olds Considered Adults?

The age when you can vote, go to war, and work full time. Why is this the case?
Available now on your streaming device.
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Independent Lens

The Weather Underground

The Weather Underground members discuss their violent efforts to stop the Vietnam War.
Available now on your streaming device.
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 The Real Story


The Vietnam War

A Film by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick

Watch all 10 episodes of the epic story of the Vietnam War as it has never before been told on film, featuring testimony from nearly 100 witnesses.

Available now on your streaming device.

RE: Native Organization Schools Steve Bannon on Native History……

Native Organization Schools Steve Bannon on Native History
Trump’s former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon recently made an appearance on the popular CBS special 60 minutes. If you’re familiar with him and his views on issues like immigration many of his comments may have come as no surprise. One comment, though, took Indian Country by surprise.

When speaking on the issue of immigration the interviewer, Charlie Rose, brought up the fact that unless you’re Native American your ancestors were immigrants.

The statement seemed to unhinge an anger in Bannon.





Native Organization Schools Steve Bannon on Native History


Posted By Jazmyn Espinoza-Church September 13th, 2017 Blog




Trump’s former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon recently made an appearance on the popular CBS special 60 minutes. If you’re familiar with him and his views on issues like immigration many of his comments may have come as no surprise. One comment, though, took Indian Country by surprise.

When speaking on the issue of immigration the interviewer, Charlie Rose, brought up the fact that unless you’re Native American your ancestors were immigrants.

The statement seemed to unhinge an anger in Bannon.

His response?

That’s simply “leftist” propaganda.

The official transcript from CBS spells it out for us.

STEVE BANNON: You couldn’t be more dead wrong. America was built on her citizens.


CHARLIE ROSE: We’re all immigrants.

STEVE BANNON: America was built on her–

CHARLIE ROSE: Except the Native Americans–

STEVE BANNON: –don’t– don’t g– don’t– don’t–

CHARLIE ROSE: –who were here.

STEVE BANNON: –don’t– don’t give me– this is the thing of the leftists. Charlie, that’s beneath you. America’s built on our sys– on our citizens. Look at the 19th century. What built America’s called the American system, from Hamilton to Polk to Henry Clay to Lincoln to the Roosevelts. A system of protection of our manufacturing, financial system that lends to manufacturers, OK, and the control of our borders. Economic nationalism is what this country was built on. The American system. Right? We go back to that. We look after our own. We look after our citizen, we look after our manufacturing base, and guess what? This country’s gonna be greater, more united, more powerful than it’s ever been. And it’s not– this is not astrophysics. OK? And by the way, that’s every nationality, every race, every religion, every sexual preference. As long as you’re a citizen of our country. As long as you’re an American citizen, you’re part of this populist, economic nationalist movement.

Economic Nationalism?

His statements unsettled many, including the National Congress of American Indians which sent out a public statement to TheWrap schooling Bannon, who people felt was qualified to help lead the country, on America’s history.


“ ‘America,’ a term Mr. Bannon uses to refer to the United States of America, owes its founding, its place, and its very survival to the original, Indigenous inhabitants of this land – the First Americans. America as a democratic society and government was modeled after the Great Law of Peace, the oral constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy. America grew to its present size and strength by dispossessing Native peoples of their lands and resources against their will.”

The statement ended with a bang.

“The truth is that we were peoples long before ‘We the People’ — certainly long before the term ‘leftist’ was even coined — and we remain vibrant peoples to this day, peoples who contribute immensely to making this country great.”

What are your thoughts on Bannon’s knowledge of American history?

About Jazmyn Espinoza-Church


Jazmyn Espinoza-Church is a bestselling Native American Author, advocate for Native youth, and freelance journalist. When she’s not writing or mentoring she can be found in her Michigan home, hanging out with her fiance and two sons.


RE: What Would Pocahontas Think of Donald Trump?……

What Would Pocahontas Think of Donald Trump?

Posted By Toyacoyah Brown September 12th, 2017 Blog




Sky News attempts to answer, what would Pocahontas think of Donald Trump by asking these two women: Debbie Porreco, a descendant of Pocahontas and Irene Bedard, the voice of Disney’s Pocahontas.

I’m really surprised to see the descendant is okay with Trump using the name Pocahontas as a slur when talking about Elizabeth Warren.


Disappointed in fact.

How do you feel after watching the video?


About Toyacoyah Brown


Toyacoyah Brown is an enrolled member of the Comanche Nation, currently living in Chicago. She received her B.A. in Journalism from the University of Oklahoma and an M.A. in Media Studies from the University of Texas at Austin. When she’s not scouring the Internet for fun things to share with readers you can find her digging for vinyl in her local record store or curling up with a good book.

Yesterday / Today’s News

Antonio Sanchez

8 hrs ·


Image may contain: one or more people, text and outdoor

Thoughtcrime Mafia

19 hrs ·

Antonio Sanchez

8 hrs ·


Image may contain: grass, sky, outdoor and nature


22 hrs ·

On Sept 3rd 1863 Gen Sully led his troops into a peaceful hunting camp of Yanktonais and Hunkpatinas at Whitestone Hill in present day North Dakota. Searching for those he believed involved with the Dakota uprising Gen Sully attacked the village, despite the fact that they were not involved with the uprising and despite the camp waving a white flour sack for peace.
300 Yanktonais and Hunkpatinas men, women and children were massacred. Another 156 were captured and taken to Fort Randall as prisoners. To our relatives we have not forgotten you.

Antonio Sanchez shared Indian Country Today Media Network’s post.

8 hrs ·

No automatic alt text available.

Indian Country Today Media Network

16 hrs ·

Squatting Thieves

Antonio Sanchez

8 hrs ·


Image may contain: text and outdoor

Aztlan Warriors

21 hrs ·


Antonio Sanchez shared Boyd Andrew Catt’s photo.

8 hrs ·


Image may contain: 1 person

Boyd Andrew Catt

December 21, 2016 ·

Morton County North DaKKKota and moonlighting mall cops attacking my son for his prayer to protect sacred water

Antonio Sanchez

Yesterday at 4:50am ·


Image may contain: 2 people, text

Long Matthew

August 28 at 6:25am · Oakland, CA ·

Dirty white devil


Health Nut News: August 17. 2017



Hello Health Nut!


I don’t say super excited very much, but this is an exception.

Finally after years, a groundbreaking mini series revealing the whole truth, as they pull back the veil and wake up the masses. This is one big dose of reality which will be on the screens of millions.

Share ‘GMOs revealed’ with family or friends, as I’ll definitely be sharing with mine. This new masterpiece features pioneers in the movement, from  Dr. Mercola to our friend March Against Monsanto mom and activist, Tami Canal (Love her!)  It’s time for people to open their eyes and see the light.

Click here to watch this brand new mini series, all free. And of course, as always, new stories below.

Xo Erin Elizabeth

As we’ve discussed here before “super sized” houses are on their way out in favor of smaller homes which save people money and instead allow them to invest in their lives, travel, and spend more time outdoors.

There are multiple articles, going back who knows how long, which state that Dr. Robert Gallo is responsible for creating the HIV virus during his stint as a project officer for the US Federal Virus Development Program.

A number of news outlets and conspiracy theorists have predicted that all Americans would be microchipped by 2017. That hasn’t happened yet but, there does seem to be a strong trend in place and microchipping is being sold as a “convenience” to employees.

As always we recommend you educate yourself before you just take a pill. Do your research. Know what the side effects are. You simply cannot trust that the pharmaceutical industry has your best interest at heart because they don’t. They want your money.

As you read this work and put its principles into practice, there are two basic axioms you never want to forget. They are the rock upon which all your actions are based.

The Goldilocks of CBD Oils I found After My Fall. Finally, one that’s “juuust right.”

(And it’s ORGANIC)

In over 2  years of having my site  I’d never been an affiliate for or even endorsed a product. I’ve been asked by a few big name brands, but they never had the right fit.

Then, while traveling in December, I tripped over a clear phone cord that was left out and I came down hard. I don’t think my friends even knew how bad off I was. It wasn’t just the pain I was experiencing, but I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t focus, and the torn shoulder, separated AC joint, hand/wrist injury and broken collar bone didn’t help either.

Free Ebook –
In the Lymelight

Over 40 Pages!


Join my tribe for the latest breaking stories, news and discussions.

Join over 447,000 others following me on Facebook!  You’re automatically entered to win free stuff; from blenders to organic skin care and more.

A New Book Is Out! Naomi Klein: ‘No Is Not Enough’. The Worst Is Yet to Come with Trump. So We Must Be Ready for Shock Politics Democracy Now!!!!!!!




False Flags With False g*ds / Buffalohair: Space G*D or Space Fraud……

NASA Confirms: Planet Nibiru Is Coming Toward Earth – Nibiru Will Be A Life Ending Event

May 11, 2016 by Ann NASA Confirms: Planet Nibiru Is Coming Toward Earth – Nibiru Will Be A Life Ending Event

NASA Confirms: Planet Nibiru Is Coming Toward Earth – Nibiru Will Be A Life Ending Event

THE SIGNS THAT PLANET X, NIBIRU IS CLOSELY APPROACHING 2016.What is planet X also known as Planet 7X or Nibiru and what does it mean for us on …|By Lukas Magnuson







Space G*D or Space Fraud

It is more than obvious the elite class has a ‘secret pal’. As the ever vanishing middle class considers anything paranormal poppycock elitists are immersed in mysticism, soothsayers, astrologers and a sacred connection with spirits and/or aliens. For the most part, they are a G*DLESS lot eh. Hoarded; within the axioms of many exclusive sects lay a wealth of sacred knowledge writhe with incantations, ceremonies and secrets of the universe. Only problem is, these elitists and their ancestors were hanging out with celestial scum for millenniums and soon the joke will be on them. If only people paid more attention to their sacred books and not their change purse.

Since before the time of Charlemagne, encounters and mass sightings have been chronicled in print, paintings and stone. There were no weather balloons or stealth aircraft to mistake or blame these anomalous events on. From all indicators these medieval folks mistook some unsavory star people for G*D’s and the rest is bloody history. If only they knew to check and see if these space punks were good or evil. Maybe Charlemagne and his trigger happy descendants would not have murdered and pillaged their way through the ages for some dork who claimed to be G*D. People forget the Creator or G*D is a perfect being and does not have the attributes of man such as ego, anger, hate, revenge, lust and all the other stuff we are plagued with. That should have been a major red flag since true G*D does not share the short comings of man, just low life entities.When someone says G*D is angry I know they are not taking to or about G*D. This jealous and angry G*D routine reeks of something man penciled in. If it does not fit you must acquit and G*D is all about love and not someone to be fearful of. What is that all about? I’m telling you first hand when I saw the light of the Creator I felt like a child reaching in desperation for that loving warmth and sanctuary. This pissed off G*D people talk and write about is not G*D, just shady space dude, spirit or whatever, pulling a fast one on humanity.Space dudes are only on our plane of existence, technology and all. Gads, they still need ships and flashy doodads to trip around in. And what’s with the anal probing eh? Can’t say I ever experience that one. Just don’t get ga ga over the first Tom, Dick or Alien Being that lands in your pasture and tells you they are G*D. Tell them to park that thing next to the old Dodge by the barn and leave your cows alone.

Actually this is when you dip into your spiritual tool bag and get the medicine within your tradition to deal with these dorks. They are like any spirit; some are good and some are screwed. Don’t get your panties in a bunch since people from around the world are becoming more acutely aware. There are stories about good star people who spoke of their place in the sky and taught good things to the people they visited. Some say these folks were related to us. They were not G*D’s but they spoke of G*D in a good way and promoted morality. It’s a far cry from the materialistic mentality of the new world order. Why don’t people talk about those cool sky guys? Guess its more fun to talk about the enema bandits from space. That’s just nasty…‘G*D or Creator’ does not need techno-mechanical means to zip around the universe nor do other spirits and entities, good or bad for that matter. I think those old painting showing G*D and Jesus playing with some antennae or sitting in a flying saucer are stupid and a classic example of how the ancients got hooked up with the wrong star people. Only primitive butt-head life forms require technological devices to cruise through wormholes or eye the naughty bits of passengers at the airport.

Space dudes are like anyone else, there are good ones and there are bad. The technique used in identifying good and evil spirits is the same technique used on all entities, in my tradition anyway. There are some rude apparitions douche bags out there and you can’t be too careful these days. So get your medicine and don’t be stupid. Surely they are not G*D’s just your garden variety space dude.With the increasing presence of spirits and other entities on this planet it is obvious we are poised for some interesting times. I can’t really tell you how it’s going to shake down but you better stock up on goodies so you don’t miss the show. There are other spirits one must be aware of but I don’t want to give you an ulcer. They’ve been out there pulling capers on humanity since before the time of Abraham so it’s not like they just showed up or anything. They are just getting a little friskier these days. This time of change dictates that we all will experience events we never before experienced. Many events will dumbfound our primitive science and we will learn exactly how stupid our culture really is. Space guys and other entities are only a small part of the anomalous events we will experience and all dogmas of the universe give you the tools needed to cope, if you pay attention.

From an indigenous point of view it’s the same ole same ole since our cultures always knew there were good and bad spirits, space guys included. Our ancestors chronicled encounters in stone and if you paid attention your ancestors did the same, hello MacFly. Fortunately there are many other people who share visions of the truth but they are silent for fear of appearing like aluminum cap wearing whizz-bangs. The secrets coveted by an elite group of people over the centuries are not secrets at all for there are no secrets within the spirit world. Maybe that’s why spirituality is under assault because people would know the truth if they were truly spiritual. In a world based on lies and deception this could be financially and politically catastrophic. In short, don’t let anyone try to convince you they are G*D’s just because they are spirits or space people for they truly are not.Call it guilty by association if governments try to convince you they are in consort with benevolent beings, just look at who they shared technology with. And as they say, birds of a feather flock together and these space scums are no better than the elitists they associate with. I simply lump all spirits in two categories; good or evil and I think you should do the same. And if Space Man Spiff tells you he is your G*D tell him to take a number and get to the back of the line.

Your Devil’s Advocate