Finding what you love and kindly loving yourself.

We connect the dots when looking back, after life happens. So follow your heart, your inter spirit, a feeling of knowing it is right. Or even knowing what is wrong for you – a doubt.

Stop and really listen to what is quietly being said. Go to a special place of quiet, a wood lands path for a walk, the mountains to sit and gaze out over the world around you, a garden bench in a special nook or have a quiet spot in your home.

Our body even tries to talk with us on how it feels, what it wants or what is just too much. When it needs rest and wants a quiet time.

So many gems that may ring true to us:

One of the hardest jobs of all! Looking for that special job, finding what you love to do! Is it ever too late? Are you ever too old? I think not …….

Don’t be put off achieving your destiny, even if you have experienced failure in …

But remember this

A nice motivational speech of Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs to 2005 graduates: ‘Stay hungry, stay foolish’
Connecting the dots; Love and loss; Use death as a tool; 3 true stories of his life.

Did a Google search and found the missing video:)

5 thoughts on “Finding what you love and kindly loving yourself.

  1. So where are the free doughnuts and coffee? And can you give me parking validation? Anton the Valet will not give me back my keys without it and I refuse to pay $10 for parking. I hate that.



    Umm, are their any Buffalo Wings left?

  2. Pingback: Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs Dies « Buffalohair-Jage Press / Buffalohair Entertainment

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