Okay Lets Do This ! Prepare For An Ice Age! How? at pages


Pole Shift News code red it has started


More about mammoths : The Ice Ages
Where did all of the large mammals go?

About 10,000-12,000 years ago most of the large mammals from the Ice Ages went extinct. Paleontologists are trying to understand why this happened. There are two possible ideas.

The first one has to do with climate. About 12,800 to 11,500 years ago, it became very cold, changing the environment in which these large mammals lived. Paleontologists think the cool weather may have reduced the amount of food available for these large animals.

The second idea has to do with humans. Humans arrived in North America about 13,000 years ago. They were hunters and killed large mammals for food.

How do we know?
There are several fossil sites in the southwest US where mammoth bones containing spear heads have been found. Paleontologists think that maybe humans hunted the large mammals to extinction.

What’s the answer?
There is a lot of debate among paleontologists about whether climate or humans led to the extinction of these large mammals. Today, however, most paleontologists think it is a combination of both reasons. The cool weather may have diminished their food resources making it easier for humans to hunt them to extinction

Last humans on Earth survived Ice Age by sheltering in ‘Garden of Eden’ claim scientists… ?????????


Jul 27, 2010 – The strip of land on Africa’s southern coast became the only place that remained habitable during the devastating ice age which wiped out


The caves along the South African coast where early man may have sheltered and survived the ice age


Needs List: ?

Rescue Teams Snow Suits / Arctic Sleeping Bags / Space Blankets to cover over the top of sleeping bags to seal in your body heat. Yes,I found out this winter that space blankets take the place of heating pads and electric blankets used in this manner./ Melt ice and snow for water and use your Clearly Filter ?



What would you use as fuel/power? Small wind power set up? Solar Panels? / But wait …… this is not a Big Weather Storm with grid off line that we are talking about here! This is a new plan of survival!



Globalization, The Beginning or The End?

Posted in Reflets Sombres with tags Apocalypse, Barack Obama, Corporatism, corporatists, Disaster Capitalism, Earth Changes, Four Horsemen, globalization, Ice Age, Little Ice Age on January 29, 2010 by Buffalohair

So much for national sovereignty since the final nail was pounded in the coffin of America’s sovereignty with the globalization of our financial institutions. Predictably Obama proposed a *“Global” solution to our banking crisis marking the end of national sovereignty by imposing international laws on once American lending institutions. This was the final hurdle in the Globalization New World Order scheme perpetrated by corporatists. Disaster Capitalism at its best and you were asleep at the wheel.

Benjamin Franklin once said;

They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security”

In all reality this was meant to happen. Its written in prophecies from around the world. Globalization and the colonization of Earth was just a sign that verified we are living in this time of change. So rather than get your boxers in a knot and run for the hills you better prepare for some very turbulent times. The Earth is about to cut loose with a myriad of tectonic and meteorological events that will surly wow the folks back home. It will be better than any HBO Special or pay per view ever produced. As for the corporatists who thought they just cut a fat hog in the ass, well their newly ill gotten gains will soon become worthless since material consequence will be meaningless in the years to come. Poetic justice, don’t you think?

There are other events just around the corner that many cultures were warned about but nobody paid attention as usual. There are no green solutions to Earth Changes. You can’t buy your way out of it with Carbon Credits or electric cars either. Windmills and solar panels will simply be blown off the face of the Earth as more 200+ mph winds begin to take its toll on humanity. We will also learn first hand how wooly mammoths were quick frozen in mid stride while chewing their food. Besides, if you paid attention to visions and prophecy you would also know electricity will cease to function since the physics behind it all will soon change. This is a cycle Ma Earth was on long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth and Al Gore first tried to capitalize on naturally occurring events. Economics and greed will give way to survival as clean drinking water becomes more valuable then Blackberries and fancy gold trinkets. A gram of salt will be almost priceless. Paper money will not buy a slice of bread but find a home in latrines around the world.

In the meantime let the kids play with their doubloons and stolen bounty because it will soon be meaningless in the grand scheme of things. As the noose tightens around civilization and desperation ensues wars will break out as nations struggle to stay in existence just like they did in the Little Ice Age (1600 to 1800 ad). Only thing is, this one will be the mother of them all. Just remember, the time of change is not the end of the world like the media likes to portray. It’s the end of a cycle and the key to survival is written in every dogma on Earth. From the Hopi to the Hunkpapa old timers tried to warn humanity but nobody listened. Personally, I am elated that we are poised to see events never before witnessed by modern civilization. And we all will have a ringside seat boys and girls.

Funny, I just talked to my brother back on the rez about this very thing today. And yup, we have our lawn chairs at the ready along with a case of ice tea to sip as the world runs around like chickens with their heads off. It’s that tea that comes in giant green cans. That way I don’t have to get refills and possibly miss all the excitement, you know. Maybe get some “end of the world” pretzels and pig skins to munch on. That’s the ticket. We have Duct Tape and metal cloths hangers back home so survival will not be an issue provided we don’t get whacked first. But if we do, it ain’t nothing but a meatball since we know where we will be going, back home. Sadly, I will miss spell check because of that lack of electricity. So I’ll probably just carve stories on rocks like them other guys did way back when. My people were on survival mode since conquest anyway so not much will change for us. Course my cousins won’t be hitting me up for gas money or rides anymore so there is a bright side to all this eh. Gourd rattles and drums don’t need electricity so our socials will not miss a beat. The end of processed foods and all that modern junk will spell the end of diabetes and other ills we have suffered as well.

I just love a happy ending, don’t you?

* http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ab5c1fec-0d08-11df-a2dc-00144feabdc0.html

Your Devil’s Advocate




Candles for night light? OR Up with the chickens if there are any left and to bed with the chickens? I have rough camped and that was the way it was:)

How to prepare for the coming Ice Age? – Cassiopaea

cassiopaea.org › … › Cassiopaean SandboxWhat’s on your mind
Jul 1, 2010 – 15 posts – 10 authors

As we read: the coming ice age could be just one winter away, and I was wondering if you guys are preparing for this and how you prepare


LET’S DISCUSS! How to prepare for an Ice Age/VOLCANIC WINTER

Jun 14, 2011 – 15 posts – 1 author

I think it’s about time we discuss how best to survive a potential ice age scenario. We should all be aware that we may be on the brink of it.


How to Survive the Next Ice Age « Phil for Humanity

No matter how well prepared any person or group can be for the next ice age, they will eventually run out of supplies and need to start living off the land again.


Fox is hunting with good hearing!

Has solar panels on roof


Now cold places depend on shipping in from warmer areas. So that is not going to work in an ice age! As I was going to say copy Siberia, Alaska, Northern Canada:)


There are other events just around the corner that many cultures were warned about but nobody paid attention as usual. There are no green solutions to Earth Changes. You can’t buy your way out of it with Carbon Credits or electric cars either. Windmills and solar panels will simply be blown off the face of the Earth as more 200+ mph winds begin to take its toll on humanity. We will also learn first hand how wooly mammoths were quick frozen in mid stride while chewing their food. Besides, if you paid attention to visions and prophecy you would also know electricity will cease to function since the physics behind it all will soon change. This is a cycle Ma Earth was on long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth and Al Gore first tried to capitalize on naturally occurring events. Economics and greed will give way to survival as clean drinking water becomes more valuable then Blackberries and fancy gold trinkets. A gram of salt will be almost priceless. Paper money will not buy a slice of bread but find a home in latrines around the world.”


Caves around here are being blocked off with metal bars by the New World Odor gang! They have taken over the under ground just for themselves!


What is the New World Odor Elite going to do for power under ground? Use all that gas and oil they are storing up for themselves? Or will Mother Earth let them? A spark could set it off like a bomb! OR She can shift and crush them under there!




This will not be a Storm Grid shut down where we can use these as back up!

There are other events just around the corner that many cultures were warned about but nobody paid attention as usual. There are no green solutions to Earth Changes. You can’t buy your way out of it with Carbon Credits or electric cars either. Windmills and solar panels will simply be blown off the face of the Earth as more 200+ mph winds begin to take its toll on humanity. We will also learn first hand how wooly mammoths were quick frozen in mid stride while chewing their food. Besides, if you paid attention to visions and prophecy you would also know electricity will cease to function since the physics behind it all will soon change. This is a cycle Ma Earth was on long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth and Al Gore first tried to capitalize on naturally occurring events. Economics and greed will give way to survival as clean drinking water becomes more valuable then Blackberries and fancy gold trinkets. A gram of salt will be almost priceless. Paper money will not buy a slice of bread but find a home in latrines around the world.”



This will not be a Storm Grid shut down where we can use these as back up!

LOL Not a Sled nor snow shoes! Hey, I still have my snow shoes?


This will not be a Storm Grid shut down where we can use these as back up!


Easier to heat small spaces



Heating only one room


There Were Older Stories About The Coming Ice Age Years Ago ! I hope they are here in these postings. Remember Multiply or Microsoft did not move every thing from our giant Group Spirit In The Wind 😦 When Hosts closed Groups ….sigh

Sorry I will search and separate them out later:)

  1. Little Ice Age « Buffalohair’s NativeVue Story Archives Plus All Of


    Feb 4, 2010 – global climate shifts that were directly related to ***volcanic activity that altered the climate. Other astronomical events have also caused

  2. Ice age « Buffalohair’s NativeVue Story Archives Plus All Of


    Jan 13, 2012 – Posts about Ice age written by Ann. Little Ice Age, Nature Geoscience | Leave a Comment. About Archiving Buffalohair Stories from the Forum

  3. Buffalohair – Ann’s Journals Collection


    Jul 16, 2012 – Yeah we are about to head into the next Ice Age […] Continue reading about Buffalohair, Things to Do While Waiting for the End of the World.

  4. Buffalohair Universe | Global News and Reviews


    Though we are living in the Contemporary Dark Ages it is heartening to note that infecting the globe on a grand scale for Burma is only the tip of the ice berg.

  5. faith | Buffalohair Universe | Global News and Reviews


    Buffalohair Universe | Global News and Reviews Red Moon Agency, Yeah we are about to head into the next Ice Age and technology is about to take a dump.

  6. Buffalohair Channel – YouTube

    Ice Age Soon? http://youtu.be/UuYTcnN7TQk. An Unlikely but Relevant Risk – The Solar Killshot:… Buffalohair and 1,318 others liked 1 month ago. 3:12

  7. Buffalohair-Jage Press | Redwood Forest


    Posts about Buffalohair-Jage Press written by Ann. the spirit bear’s white coat …. This population survived long ice age isolation so the genes would not …

  8. Ann Surprise 2: Buffalohair, The Earth Counts Coup While the


    Oct 31, 2011 – Buffalohair, The Earth Counts Coup While the Greedy Counts Their Gold …. skin coat for the Ice Age is just around the corner boy’s and girls.

Buffalohair / MAT-SU VALLEY BLUES / July 2007 | Oldies But


Buffalohair / MOVEN ON / June 2007 · NO GOOD ….. So I don’t think the coming Ice Age is far behind. Someone will find my frozen intact body in an ice field.

Buffalohair: Our Technological Achilles Tendon – Groups – Yahoo!


Feb 4, 2009 – With millions of people tossed into the Stone Age from a winter storm imagine what would happen if we are cast into another mini Ice Age.

Buffalohair Universe | Global News and Reviews » dogma


http://bgi.buffalohair-jage.com/archives/tag/dogma/feed Yeah we are about to head into the next Ice Age and technology is about to take a dump. Politics

Buffalohair Living near a Galactic Burger Joint’, littlerunningdeer’s


Dec 4, 2009 – Blog / Buffalohair Living near a Galactic Burger Joint …. that they were from Earth, possibly an advanced civilization from several ice ages ago.

Ann Surprise: GMO or No GMO Chased with a Cesium Spritzer / Life


Jul 2, 2013 – I’ll just drown my sorrows in a giant ice cold glass of red soda. radiation exposure or minty wintergreen to hale in the next Ice Age? …. Buffalohair’s NativeVue Story Archives Plus All Of Buffalohairs Latest News In 2013.

Ice age | Redwood Forest


As the noose tightens around civilization and desperation ensues wars will break out as nations struggle to stay in existence just like they did in the Little Ice Age

  • m-44cdda8233ad4abf9eac05304e7b12c7

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