Ann’s extra RSS Guides and links for Survival are here.

Also The Doctors Office: at Ann’s Pages

Health: Cancer Cure Found in Secret Native American Herbal Formulation #

Turn glass of water into ice by using salt, a straw and lighter

Anyone could find themselves in an emergency situation and even the most basic survival knowledge could mean the difference between life and death. A basic understanding of survival techniques should enable anyone to travel through the wilderness with an increased level of confidence and enjoyment Be Prepared The best time to practice any wilderness survival skills – start a fire, shelter building or whatever – is before you need them. Take some time to read all the information .You will learn how to take care of yourself and others when traveling in the wilderness, and I’m sure that your next excursion will provide you with a greater level of enjoyment due to your newfound knowledge.

Not a plastic bag?

Where and how to find water

From the News desk of Ann Little Running Deer

Clean Water

When you don’t have a beautiful clean lake or river to get your water from, where do you find water?

The solar still only takes about an hour to build. If constructed correctly, it can yield about a litre (quart) of water a day.

A baggy, careful do not make any tears in it, tied on a sunny tree branch. With one side of bag hanging lower, to catch the water from the leaves that is made by the sun. Makes a great drink of fresh water!

Catching rain water off your clean tent is another way. Wait until after first start of rain, as it washes sky, before collecting.

I was able to find under ground running water with a small forked willow branch. The magnetic field pull, would rip the small branch out of my hands as it twisted down pointing to water…...Ann

Note: I forgot about the number of steps you count off from first pull to when it points straight down. It tells you how many inches or feet the water is below the surface.

Eagle Scout’s Tips

Listen for running water

Boil the running water you find.

A Note in boiling water: Use only the top clear water after cooling. That is for real bad water!

Edible Landscaping is quickly becoming the practical approach to one’s space….

RSS Hunter Gather Cook

RSS Guide to Homelessness

A Wood-Burning Camp Stove That Doubles As A Gadget Charger / The LifeStraw Personal Water Filter

A whirlwind of energy and ideas, Stephen Ritz is a teacher in New York’s tough South Bronx, where he and his kids grow lush gardens for food, greenery — and jobs. Just try to keep up with this New York treasure as he spins through the many, many ways to grow hope.
    • LOL Love it! Talk fast to get it all in

Russell Means on Natural Law /Permaculture


Quote,”Forget surviving: it is time to thrive!” Jillian Michaels

Gio, personal blog and portfolio here,

his living-on-a-shoestring-in-New-York blog here

and his blog about washing dishes here.:)

Extreme Makeover Home Edition

Hi friends! Hope you’re having a wonderful week. We loved Ty Pennington‘s post and just had to share it with all of you. Please remember to “keep it going!”

RSS Wild Food Plants

Little Homestead in the City

Sun Oven

Chilean Solar Oven Restaurant Shines

Building Green TV

Blog Catalog Blog Directory: Green Tech

Buffalohair Universe

This link and so Much more at his Site!
See Widgets Links connections he has made just for you and your family, over at Buffalohair Universe ! Cool!

Why? Because we Care!

Strawbale Cold Frame / Mini Greenhouse. (Please share)

Photo: Strawbale Cold Frame / Mini Greenhouse. (Please share)

Ahhh My ranch’s old Root cellar house! Ann Little Running Deer

– 1 square metre of growbed is equivalent to 10 square metres of garden.
– Your fish fertilise your plants until you eat them, while you are growing more fish to replace them.
– You only use the water your plants use and dont have the waste of water soaking into the garden and growing weeds.
– A small pump can be run by small solar panel setup.

Warning No Tilapia Fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did a story on them, very bad for your health!

“Also, farmed tilapia contains a less healthful mix of fatty acids because the fish are fed corn and soy instead of lake plants and algae, the diet of wild tilapia.

“It may look like fish and taste like fish but does not have the benefits — it may be detrimental,” said Dr. Floyd Chilton, a professor of physiology and pharmacology at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center who specializes in fish lipids.

Environmentalists argue that intensive and unregulated tilapia farming is damaging ecosystems in poor countries with practices generally prohibited in the United States — like breeding huge numbers of fish in cages in natural lakes, where fish waste pollutes the water. ”

shared Homestead Survival‘s photo.

How to Make Dehydrated Jerky- Step By Step — Pictures ( No Anti- Meat Comments needed)

Crisco Candle
for emergency situations.
Simply put a piece of string
in a tub of shortening, I use a chop stick ,tie a knot in the bottom and push it down,
and it will burn for up to 45 days….
who knew?

DoubleBack – VW’s Sliding Extension Van
Photo: DoubleBack – VW’s Sliding Extension Van<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />


Somewhere along the way you’ll need to try a truly sharp knife to get an idea of the The key is some stainless will hold a good edge, most won’t. …. Some will keep you busy for days on end and others will turn your tools to scrap in seconds.

A guide to safely using lawn mower blade sharpeners – by Nick

Jun 22, 2010 – There are three tools you can use to sharpen your lawn mower blade: a bench grinder, a Dremel tool, or an oldfashioned filer. Each tool has its

sharpening / peening a scythe

Start Fire With Air! Instructables

Slam Rod Fire Starter

shared Ashley Reynolds KY3 News‘s photo.
For people wanting to be prepared at ANY level for ANY situation … There’s a new store in the Ozarks. Just in Case on South Campbell Ave. in Springfield, sells anything from fire starting equipment to preserved foods. Customers say after the ice storm and recent tornadoes, they want to be ready. Story at 9 and after the game.

Cold Process Soap Making for Beginners!

Snowberry, one of the many plants we talked about today at Urban Foraging 101, is a bush with white berries that have saponins in them. Saponins are soap-like compounds that can be used for bathing.


Snowberry, Symphoricarpos albus, is a beautiful bush in the honeysuckle family found in the forests of the Pacific Northwest and across the United States and Canada. It is distinctive for its white-colored berries, so if you have seen it, I bet you recognize it.

The berries are not edible for us humans but animals do eat them. And they contain saponins, which are compounds very much like soap! I actually know a Portland woman who regularly washes her hair with it. She told me she mashes the berries in her hands, applies them to her hair, and then combs them out and rinses.

The Bella Coola people of British Columbia are reported to have used a tea of the branches as a gonorrhea cure. Hey, it never hurts to know these things.

Know someone in need of a natural bath? Pass this post along.

shared a link via Carlos TheZilla.
By: Linda Different Cloud
Category: ‘Linda Different Cloud’
. . . And the Frybread Grease Left a Scar “THIS BIG”: Using Common Plants to Heal Wounds
July 9 , 2012

Quote: It disappeared already once, so quoting!


My niece came into the inipi (sweatlodge) for the first time when she was 12. After the first round, she decided to leave the lodge for just a moment. As she was exiting, her foot slipped and landed right on top of a rock, still glowing red with extreme heat. She immediately screamed and fell out of the lodge in excruciating pain. Without thinking, I climbed out of the lodge and picked a plant that was growing just feet from the inipi. It was plantain (Plantago majorwihuta hu iyececa in Lakota), and it is one of the most amazing burn remedies in the natural world. I crushed the plantain leaves, poured on a little water from the sweatlodge bucket, and immediately applied it to the huge, inflamed blister that had already formed on the bottom of my niece’s foot. She immediately stopped crying and let out a sigh of relief as the gentle cooling effect of the plantain began to soak in.

“Keep this poultice on the burn and we will go back into the inipi to pray for you. When we get out, we will look at it again,” I said. She nodded and wiped her tears.

After the ceremony was over, I came out of the lodge and realized that my niece was no longer sitting on the bench. I looked up to see her running barefoot across the lawn, playing with other children. I called her over to look at her foot and she said, “It was all better by the third round.”

Indeed it was. Where the blisters had been, there was now only perfectly fresh, normal skin. It looked like nothing had happened. Even I was floored.

A dear friend and famous herbalist once told me that every herbalist has “an amazing plantain story” and I think she was right. Since the incident with my niece, I have used plantain to treat burns and scrapes that range from mild to severe, always with breathtaking results. It is an extremely common and overlooked plant and almost universally occupies your lawn or the cracks in your driveway. Stop spraying it for goodness’ sake! Pull it out by the root and dry it for use in winter months.

Plantain is simple to use: Harvest enough plantain leaves to cover the affected area. Macerate slightly, add moisture if needed (many cultures chew herbs for making poultices!), and apply directly to the burn. If the burn is open, you may wish to wrap the plantain leaves in cotton gauze, cheesecloth, or flannel. Apply a fresh poultice every couple of hours. You can use this poultice for burns, scrapes, rashes, insect bites, or chaffing wounds. Plantain is also a delicious edible, green vegetable– raw or cooked- and makes an excellent spinach substitute.


I get poison ivy. I get it BAD. Oh sure, it might start off as an irritating but manageable rash, but it soon becomes a wet, seeping, unbearable mess . . . and that’s BEFORE the hives set in!

About four years ago I was teaching a class in northern Montana. As I was visiting with one student, I heard another student say, “What plant is this?” Without looking at the plant, and while still talking to the first student, I held out my hand and did what most ethnobotanists do subconsciously: I crushed part of the plant and held it to my nose to smell it. I glanced down to look at what I was smelling, and lo and behold, it was my arch enemy in Mother Nature – poison ivy.

Ahhhh . . . old friend . . . we meet, yet again.

I have been afflicted with poison ivy every year of my life since I was about 4 years old. My mom tells legendary stories of me contracting the rash simply from “standing down wind” of the vines. Growing up in the Eastern United States, my grandmother would simply gather some jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) and rub it on the rash. I was fascinated by how well it worked. However, when I moved to the western U.S., I no longer had access to jewelweed and had to find some alternative– and let’s be real . . . we all know that calamine lotion doesn’t work, right? That was when an elder told me about the wonders of oak bark in treating poison ivy and other ailments. Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpauta hu in Lakota), is the most common species of oak near my home, but all species have compounds in the bark that will aid in drying poison ivy rash.

Simply find an older oak tree and pull off chunks of the bark. (This will not harm the tree as long as you do not tear or cut too deeply. Often the bark is grooved deeply enough so that you can just chip off pieces.) Boil one cup of oak bark in four cups of water for 30 minutes. The water should become yellow. Once this decoction cools, soak a washcloth in it and wring out the excess. Place the washcloth on the affected area and replace the washcloth every 30 minutes. You may also bathe in the decoction.


When I was in grad school in Montana, I was doing research in a pasture where four bulls were grazing. They were monstrously huge and I had to laugh when an old cowboy rode up next to me on his horse and said, “If you’re gonna be in this pasture, you better be more careful than a well-endowed, naked cowboy climbin’ a barbed wire fence. “ As you may have guessed . . . he used a more colorful term than “well-endowed.”

However, I wasn’t careful- and that day, I climbed a barbed wire fence (fully clothed). Just as I got my leg over the fence, I was startled by a rattlesnake carefully hidden in the grass. I let go of the fence and a barb shot right into my leg, making a gash four inches long. Blood was gushing down my leg. I was completely alone . . . the elderly cowboy was long gone and my car at least 3.5 miles away. I instinctively picked some yarrow (Achillea millefolium – taopi pejuta in Lakota) that was growing nearby. I crushed the leaves, moistened them with a bit of water, and placed the poultice on my leg. Amazing! The bleeding stopped immediately. (If I had some raw honey or pine sap available, I would have applied some, in addition to the yarrow, to prevent infection.) I was able to drive home without spilling another drop of blood.

To use a yarrow poultice, crush enough yarrow leaves to cover the affected area. Apply a bit of water, honey, or clean pine sap and apply directly to the wound. As with the plantain, you may wish to wrap the yarrow in some thin cloth before applying. According to a study by Jane Ellen in 2003, yarrow is a powerful blood coagulant due to two compounds, achilletin and achilleine. Yarrow is also used internally to treat menstrual cramps and bug bites, as a blood tonic, and as an antiseptic, an anti-inflammatory, and a pain reliever.


Years back, I went to visit an elderly woman in Fort Yates, North Dakota. I was interviewing her about various medicinal plants that she has been using over the years. The problem, upon this particular visit, was that she could not stand or walk due to an infection that had set in to three of her toes. She took her socks off to let me see the black and green sores– completely open to the elements and leaking yellow pus. It was incredibly painful, and soon she would have to get the toes amputated. My heart sank to think of the pain that this elder was in, and I asked her if there was anything I could do. That was when she asked me to go get some “wahpe wastemna” (Monarda fistulosa), which is also known as bee balm. I had been using this member of the mint family in inipi and as a tea for many years, and I knew where some grew nearby. Within an hour, I was back at the elder’s house boiling the plant down to make a decoction. She soaked her feet in the decoction while I interviewed her. She informed me that she would do this for the next three to four days to kill the infection.

In four days, I returned to find this amazing, knowledgeable woman walking around her house. The infection was completely gone – where there had been a horrifying infection, there was only a healthy scab that was getting smaller every day. She had saved her toes with wahpe wastemna. It was a lesson I would never forget.

For those with diabetic ulcerations on feet or legs, Monarda fistulosa could be an incredible asset. However, it can be used in treating any open sores or even MRSA infections. To use bee balm as a soak for any open sores, boil 1 cup of fresh leaves per 3 cups of water for 15 minutes. Let cool slightly, but try to keep the water hot while soaking the affected area. If necessary, you can soak a washcloth in the decoction and apply it directly to the sores. The whole plant may be crushed or chewed and applied to infected sores. Finally, you can drink bee balm tea to treat colds, fevers, and sore throats.

Disclaimer: The uses of plants contained herein are not intended as medical advice. Linda Different Cloud, lastrealindians, and any associates do not accept any responsibility for any adverse effects from the uses of any plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally. Always seek advice from your physician before you stop taking any prescription medications.

21 hrs ago (3 replies) | Green Connections

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World Natural Disaster

World Natural Hazards Website | Natural Disaster Management

The Pacific Disaster Center applies its expertise to integrate various technologies for Disaster Management (DM) support in the Asia Pacific and Indian Ocean

Quote:” when I’m interviewed, sometimes they expect me to be more like victim, pitiful and helpless.
but that’s a little hard for me, because since 311, I’m possessed by anger.
I want you to imagine, you are walking on the street, and someone lynches you all of a sudden. How can you be not angry for the person ? For me, it’s the government, and lynch is the nuclear explosion.
I think I’m already dead because I was too late to evacuate. How can I forgive the person who killed me ?”

“Fallout Foods” Are Your Best Defense

The safest, smartest way to protect yourself in our current situation is to boost your consumption of foods that are rich in natural iodine.

I call these “fallout foods” because they pump up your body’s iodine supply, making you less vulnerable to any radioactive iodine in the air.

Even without an iodine supplement, you can protect yourself and family from the increased radiation overhead by getting more of these fallout foods into your diet.

The best of these iodine-rich foods come from the oceans far from Japan, Pacific ring of fire, — and topping the list is seaweed and other sea vegetables, the leading food source of iodine on the planet.

Seaweed and sea veggies are a mainstay in the Japanese diet (they consume more of it than any population on Earth), so they’re getting as much protection as these foods can provide.

But if you’re like most Americans, chances are the only seaweed you’ve ever swallowed was wrapped around a sushi roll. And you probably couldn’t tell kombu from kelp if you’re life depended on it. But that’s about to change.

Beefing-Up Your Seaweed Savvy

Here’s a rundown of the most popular types of seaweed available…

Kelp has an amazing 12 mg of iodine per teaspoon of granules. Sprinkle it onto any meal—salads, soups, and whole grains.

Kombu is a type of kelp that comes in strips. Add one 5″ strip to every pot of soup, grains and beans you cook (iodine is not affected by heat). It’s painless and flavorless, and you can remove it after cooking so squeamish family member won’t have to see it.

Dulse and wakame are other good sources of iodine — but, alas, nori is the iodine-poor member of the seaweed family. You can still get plenty of iodine in your sushi by adding kelp granules to the sushi’s rice, and/or cooking the rice with kombu.

Sea Veggies Remove Radiation from Your Body

In addition to protecting you from radiation, sea vegetables also pull radiation out of your body. According to a 1964 McGill University study published by the Canadian Medical Association Journal, kelp reduces the intestinal absorption of radioactive strontium-90 by up to 80% (thus it passes through the body instead of sticking around where it can do damage).

Indeed, there are so many health benefits associated with seaweed that adding it to your current diet just makes good sense – whether fallout from Japan becomes a major health concern or not.

Curious to see how we could make “seaweed snacking” more appealing to Western taste buds, we’ve been experimenting with new recipe ideas in our My Healing Kitchen Test Kitchen. Here are the winning favorites as voted by our Taste Panel…

Nori-Wrapped Crab Rolls with Wasabi and Roasted Red Pepper

Seaweed Cucumber Salad

Seaweed is definitely catching on in the health-conscious sectors of America. Seaweed snacks now populate entire sections of shelf space at Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods. One of my favorites is Annie Chuns Seaweed Snacks which is available in sesame or sinus-opening wasabi flavors. Both are big favorites around the MyHealingKitchen offices.

Other Radiation-Blocking Foods

No way, you say, that you’ll ever, ever eat seaweed?

Okay. So you’ll be happy to know there are several other foods that pack a big iodine wallop, including asparagus, garlic, Lima beans, mushrooms, sesame seeds, soybeans organic, spinach, summer squash, Swiss chard and turnip greens. (Just realize that these veggies are nowhere near as potent as the sea-faring sisters.)

And forget that urban rumor about getting your iodine from iodized salt. You’d have to swallow a half a cup of salt to get a scant 13 mg — and your blood pressure wouldn’t appreciate that one bit.

Put More Cancer-Blocking Foods on the Table

Radiation causes cancer by creating free radical molecules that damage DNA. So it makes sense to eat more foods and supplements that are rich in antioxidants these days — and research backs this up.

Choose foods loaded with the antioxidants vitamin C (papaya, kale, red bell peppers, broccoli, strawberries organic and kiwis), vitamin E (sunflower seeds, almonds, olives and spinach) and selenium (Brazil nuts, salmon Alaska wild, shrimp and turkey, and brown rice).

All of these are cancer-blocking heavyweights. And it’s easy to identify them. Just let your eyes guide you: Fresh, brightly-colored foods tend to be antioxidant treasures.

You also should consume more whole grains, especially brown rice. Whole grains are rich in fiber, phosphorus, antioxidants and selenium, all of which help escort toxins from the body.

And don’t forget rosemary. Spanish researchers published research in the British Journal of Radiology demonstrating that nothing fights the free radicals created by radiation like this aromatic herb. Since rosemary’s essential antioxidants are fat-soluble, they provide critical protection in areas water-based antioxidants can’t reach.

Other supplements that may be protective against radiation damage are vitamin D and vitamin K. Both support cell apoptosis, which is the programmed death of cells that accumulate various DNA errors (due to radiation and other causes). Vitamin D also supports DNA repair.

Woods Camping Jewel weed crushed and applied, at first contact with poison ivy. If In its natural surroundings, Native Americans said that the Great Spirit put the remedy next to the problem.

Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

In your yard while gardening or trimming, you might run into some wild plants left behind, so no Jewel weed would be handy!

Calcium and huge quantities of Vitamin C, help to alleviate.

Pantothenic acid should be increased immediately .

Local application of vitamin E reduces pain.

Lets Get Well, by Adelle Davis , page 164

Twice in my life away from main forests, I had gotten poison oak from the shrub real bad! First time It was via an insect sting, as they had sucked on the leaves them selves.! Second time it was in touching the plant root with out knowing while gardening. A Hospital Nurse said to swim in Ocean, as the salt water would heal it. So now days far away from any Ocean, I mix water with salt as a wash and let it dry on my skin for its healing. Along with the other help I mentioned. Now if I had wild Jewel weed at hand there would be no attacking poison to worry over.


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Electronic Coupons

CTN Green Wellness

Disaster Supply Kit – FEMA: Are You Ready?

Aug 11, 2010 – Skip to content. FEMA Print Logo …. Here are some tips to keep your supplies ready and in good condition:…/assemble_disaster_supplies_kit.shtmCachedSimilar

Jan 3, 2011 – (202) 646-2500. logo (800) 621-FEMA
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shared Homestead Survival‘s photo.

Hidden Door Safe – DIY Project To Create Uncommon Spot To Hide Your Stuff

How to build a SOLAR BOTTLE BULB

Light up dark areas in your home during daytime using this green and sustainable concept. Recycle used clear plastic soda bottles, add water+bleach, then install. After installation this solar light bulb can provide approximately 55 watts of light from the sun!

The communities who benefit from this idea live in areas where the houses hardly have windows and live in darkness even during daytime. Their solution up until this innovation was to turn on the light bulb and use electricity.

Pages of Anns Journals


Ann LRD on February 25th, 2012

Ancient refrigerators

By 400 BC, Persian engineers had mastered the technique of storing ice in the middle of summer in the desert. The ice was brought in during the winters from nearby mountains in bulk amounts, and stored in a Yakhchal,

or ice-pit. These ancient refrigerators were used primarily to store ice for use in the summer, as well as for food storage, in the hot, dry desert climate of Iran. The ice was also used to chill treats for royalty during hot summer days and to make faloodeh, the traditional Persian frozen dessert.Aboveground, the structure is comprised of a large mud brick dome, often rising as tall as 60 feet tall. Below are large underground spaces, up to 5000m³, with a deep storage space. The space often had access to a Qanat, or wind catchand often contained a system of windcatchers that could easily bring temperatures inside the space down to frigid levels in summer days.Yakhchal have thick mud brick walls that are up to two meters thick at the base, made out of a special mortar called sārooj, composed of sand, clay, egg whites, lime, goat hair, and ash in specific proportions, and which was resistant to heat transfer. This mixture was thought to be completely water impenetrable.

The massive insulation and the continuous cooling waters that spiral down its side keep the ice stored there in winter frozen throughout the summer. These ice houses used in desert towns from antiquity have a trench at the bottom to catch what water does melt from the ice and allow it to refreeze during the cold desert nights. The ice is broken up and moved to caverns deep in the ground. As more water runs into the trench the process is repeated.

Texas man makes H2O out of air:

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