Buffalohair: Prophecies / Waking Up Stupid

Prophecies & Waking Up Stupid


The time of awareness has long passed and now we are on our own spiritually speaking. For those who took the hint, including moi, spirituality, spirits and everything that goes bump in the night ain’t nothing but a meatball, capice? If you have not achieved true spirituality within your respective dogma or ideological principals, hence forth you are screwed and destined to be one of the lemmings who will gleefully march to your own demise. Bummer huh…



Did you get the memo; “We are living in the era of dynamic change. It is effecting absolutely every level of existence and on every perimeter of the sciences, including the governments coveted secret whizzbang alien technologies, please shut off the coffee pot after break”? If not, you are not alone for prophecy dictated that a majority of Planet Stupid’s populations would also miss the memo, for what ever reason. Bet the coffee pot will be toast as well…



How many ruined civilizations with grandiose structures, pyramids and weird gadgets do we need to discover before we get the message they all failed. Mysterious marvels, cool gadgets, spiffy hieroglyphic and impossible masonry lay in ruins like their empires’, finito la musica paisan. Then there is ‘Crazy Hair’ and his ‘Chariots of the Frauds’ cronies bloviating about ancient alien connections with these failed civilizations. Maybe it’s a good thing, provided you connect the dots.



Hind sight is 20/20 and there will soon be plenty of ‘I should a, could a, & would a’ to go around after the necessity of a practical understanding in spirituality becomes all to apparent. Spirituality is not just about bowing your head and burning candles or incense while whispering sacred passages in traditional stoicity with your favorite ribbon shirt on of course. There is a day to day practical aspect of spirituality one must grasp first, like not being a wide-eyed drooling spaz around other spirits, gawd!



The reality is, many folks would pray to the first spirit to move a drum stick out of a Chicken Delight BBQ Special or float around the back yard in color coded galactic boxers (yellow to the front & brown to the back), declaring themselves G*D’s or Architects of Humanity, Universe & Hockey, as if. You must get a handle on Spirits 101 before you can even deliberate between good and bad spirits in the first place.



Since I’m an Indigenous dude I follow the traditions & customs of my people so I have my routine in dealing with folks from other planets & plains of existence and all the hullabaloo in the spirit world. Other dogmas and ideological principals have their routines in dealing with the spirit world & rowdy residence and they all work just fine. It’s no secret but one must be cognizant of these tools that exist within their ilk for they are there. I know cause I read them in YOUR scared books homie.



Don’t matter if your dogma requires the sacrifice of Hebrew National Hot Dogs over burning acacia wood while buck naked, dripping in lamb lard and singing Barry Manilow songs. If that’s the tradition/custom within your respective path, it’s Copacabana time. What is most vital for ones survival in the future is that you adhere to the tenets you ascribe & enjoin in with absolute faith and walk in a good way. There is only one Creator, not some tyred subcontractors, the spirits that make excuses.



Barry Manilow songs?



As a side note; when one subtracts the human weaponizing factor from all dogmas one finds an enriching path of enlightenment rich in humanity, lessons of life one should learn & adhere to. Reference to ‘Holly Wars & Killing in the Name of G*D is man made and not of the Creator. Those are the words of kings justifying their wholesale murder of innocent people under the guise of G*D & Religion to steal land & natural resources, just ask Mass Murderer Charlemagne, ‘First Land Grabber of Europe’.



True spirituality transcends all Earthly religious dogmatisms, ideologies, prejudices and assumptions. One becomes keenly aware that we all walk the same path spiritually if our endeavor is in a good way. That only here on Earth we were poised with the challenges of gender, race, greed and faith, scoring a Fail in the process. Now that many dimensions of existence are interfacing more each day with ours, including the spirit world, it is imperative one has a trusted spiritual connection, like yesterday.



Funny part about it is the fact all respective dogmas purport such a spiritual connection right from jump street, including Lucifer, Goddess Kali and the rest of the bumpkins of darkness. We all should know by now that the Christian’s designated bad guy ‘Satan’ is only one of many spirits that roam the darker reaches of balance within the hinterland of the spirit world. Another irony is that all these dogmas share many prophetic events within this era, which brings up yet another point.



Prophesies are regional when it comes to finite details, geography & colloquialistic aspects of the culture it is addressing. Just cause your prophecy does not have all the bells and whistles other prophecies have, it does not mean your prophetic ideology is incorrect, it’s just location, location, location. What tribe of people and where did the original prophecy come from? That should be an indicator as to where specific whizzbang events would occur here, there or everywhere.



From the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, Utnapishtim and his giant ship ‘The Preserver of Life’ to the Torah’s Noah and his Arc, either the Sumerian’s experienced the big flood or the Yahuds did, but maybe they both had a flood? Who really knows for sure, but within Semitic prophetic teachings, the next disaster to send that region back to the stone age will NOT be by flood. So, other options of death and destruction are wide open. We have variety, Plague door 1, Mega-quake door 2, Famine door 3.



Can I spin the wheel?



Prophecies of mine and other cultures didn’t mention floods or the end of humanity during this era of great flux. Along with garden variety of disasters our prophecies cautioned about foreign visitors & destruction they would bring to our people. We did have a flood of sorts, the dam burst in Europe flooding Turtle Island with illegal immigrants from England, France, Spain & Portugal. And with them, disease, death, lies and deception. For all intents and purposes our New World Order has already begun, yours is just starting.



Within prophecy it was foretold man’s efforts to rule the planet would be successful but there was a catch. Whence their imperious dream came to fruition it would also be the demarcation point of their expeditious demise for Mother Earth would steal the show and close the curtain on man’s ambitions. As for their fake G*D or alien counterpart, he and his ilk are just as screwed as humans, lock stock and tomahawk. But if you already had a true spiritual connection you would know all that stuff and more.



As for aliens, extraterrestrials or what ever you call’em, they are just folks from another Mother. Some Star People are good and some are total butt cracks as we see on Planet Stupid. What kind of imbecile would give earthlings the technology to destroy the Earth and Humanity then gain the title ‘Benevolent Beings’?!? Bovem de Stercore!! Space dudes are space dudes not G*Ds, holay!



The elements of the four directions have an open check book and infinite options to choose from when it comes to giving humans and their cronies something to whine about. But it’s the events that science has no words for that will grab the attention I’ll wager eh. Some folks relate the elements of the four directions to the 4 Horsemen of Biblical lore. Either way, these guys are packing some heat, ready to party and it’s Saturday night in the frontier town called Terra Mater. Hide the virgins, stash the weed!



So here is where I do a plug for all Dogma’s & Ideological Principals eh. I could give a flying crappola about the tint of your flesh, planet you come from or whether you’re a carbon based or sodium based life form, we all have the same spirit & spirit world whence we leave these plains of physical existence. And if you plan to survive the destiny of mankind & friends you had better heed my warning and seek out the truths you ignore within your own path, faith, dogma, etc. 



Just think, with a real spiritual connection you would have an early warning system that does not require a subscription or batteries. Know when disaster will strike your neck of the woods and know when to dab your doorway with lambs blood. WOW your friends by determining which spirits are cool and which ones are from the bowls of hell in the comforts of your own home. Deliver your people from bondage and much more! All it requires is absolute faith within the ideology of your of choice.



Maybe I should do infomercials about the absolute need and simplicity of true spirituality in the days and months to come. Only thing is, I have nothing to sell other than an idea. And my payment is not through VISA or Pay Pal but in knowing I’ve kept my word to Maheo, The Creator that I would share what I’ve learned in an effort to prepare humanity for the tumultuous times that lay just around the corner. 



Take it or leave it and call it all a bunch of Bovem de Stercore. 



I’m out of here.



Your Devil’s Advocate


Dividere la Storia

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No automatic alt text available.
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‘Kiss’ To Patent ‘I Love You Satan / Devil’ in Sign Language?

Hang Loose?








Years ago it meant the unfaithful wife had sex and child,with another man, not  her husband?




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The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion is a wide-ranging, comparative study of …. William Carlos Williams refers to The Golden Bough in Book Two, part two, of his extended poem in five books Paterson. The Golden Bough …



Frazer, Sir James George. 1922. The Golden Bough – Bartleby.com

http://www.bartleby.com › Reference › Sir James George Frazer

A monumental study in comparative folklore, magic and religion, The Golden Bough shows parallels between the rites and beliefs, superstitions and taboos of .






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Why Hundreds of Thousands Of Children Go Missing Every Year – David Icke






















































Buffalohair Gazette International







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Queen Elizabeth II is a False Monarch Closely Related to The Rothschilds and The Vatican
















queen Elizabeth Sacrificed Children in Canada












































To Heat the fake queen’s palace by her Mining Company:(








Conscious Awareness with Gregg Braden……












Conscious Awareness with Gregg Braden.

November 10, 2016 ·


When a certain number of people come together, and they choose in a moment of time to create a precise emotion, in their hearts, that emotion literally, can influence, the very fields that sustain life on Earth.

These fields are now implicated in everything from the immune response of humans, throughout the planet, climate, weather patterns, cycles of war, in peace, our abilities to solve problems, our cognitive abilities.

All of these as different as they sound from one another are all linked to our relationship to the magnetic fields of the earth.

So what makes this so beautiful is that every human on the planet is linked to the field, but not every human on the planet has to be consciously aware of their relationship to benefit from what a relatively few number of people come to understand.

And the bottom line is this, that when we choose to feel feelings that create what we call coherence in our bodies. Coherence is the language, the quality of the language between our heart and our brain.

Certain kinds of heart based experiences, such as appreciation, gratitude, forgiveness, care, compassion, those are the ancient understandings that have always been taught in the truest traditions of our past and now our own science is finding those same traditions are documenting this very real effect within our hearts.

When we can feel those feelings in our bodies, they’re mirrored in the field and everyone benefits from the experience of relatively few.

Gregg Braden

All we have to do is our own inner work, to practice love, compassion, gratitude and to be consciously aware that when we do fall out of alignment with our true self, we let go gracefully of our ego and fears to find our balance again.

We are all well aware, from experiences giving and receiving, that our energy can effect ourselves and others in a positive or negative way.

I hope that this video and the work of Gregg Braden can light up this world with love so everyone can feel it.


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