RE:It is with a heavy heart that I announce we had another holistic doctor die just days ago. which makes 80 in our unintended series.




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Compelling and Direct Headling

Hey there,

It is with a heavy heart that I announce we had another holistic doctor die just days ago, which makes 80 in our unintended series. I’m not sure I’ve ever received so many emails from loving patients, some just out of college, and some very elderly. He was quite the pioneer, author, radio show host, and healer.

Dr Winer was visiting here in Florida when we are told he was found on the sidewalk after a heart attack, but still alive. They didn’t do an autopsy because the medical examiner said it wasn’t necessary. He was brought in as a John Doe because he didn’t have ID on him, and presumed missing by his relatives. I have talked with family who contacted me and are grieving right now, but thankfully made it there before he died and were holding his hand until the end. Apparently he never regained consciousness. You can read the whole story in the link below.

Also we are sad to announce that just today it was announced that Nestlé is buying Garden of Life which you can read about by clicking here.

It makes me feel better, that, after four long years, I finally launched a few products and our line will slowly grow. It was either that or bankroll my team that is growing. Our line is organic, locally sourced, made by a manufacturer in my home town I’ve known for years, and a brand I trust and put my name on. (They even have a chocolate factory! I’m urging my parents to take a tour). We’ll never sell out either. I promise you that.

I was also surprised to find out this week that our website the subject of a show on CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corporation radio) heard by millions.

I’ll make a video which I’ll share next time about that, as they interviewed one of the writers at Snopes. (It’s pretty funny)

Our site is featured in December’s Prevention Magazine as well. But the once super ethical magazine, which was founded on natural health principles, seems to have made an about-face. They definitely picked on the truth teller top holistic health websites, and suppose I should be flattered they included me. Their founder would roll over in his grave, as their once inspiring honest health magazine seems to be laden with drug ads and sounds like a big pharma mouth piece to me. Once upon a time I was a fan, so the direction in which they’ve gone saddens us. More on that next time.

There are some GOOD news stories below too from this week too!

I’m home for the holidays so will be writing more soon!


Erin Elizabeth

PS Can you click on our social media links below and give us a like or follow? People are always asking what they can do, and this really helps! That, and sharing our articles far and wide.


80th Doctor Dead: Holistic, Prominent and Outspoken

Update: Initially, Dr James Winer’s office staff would not say how he died. They publicly stated they didn’t want people calling the office asking questions, either.

Then our story came out. Hours later, after they were inundated by many more inquiries, they said he died of cardiac arrest in another state. (We have now learned that was here in Florida). Dr. Jim was brought in as a John Doe and was missing for days while his family searched unable to find him since he’d had no ID on him.) We are so sorry he died unexpectedly and have answers in our story.




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ABC: Months after holistic doctor shot by police, officers still not interviewed by investigators and family wants answers





(Note from Erin: Our heart goes out to Justine’s family, friends, and our very close mutual friends of Dr. Justine Damond, who were all devastated at her death.)

We know Justine’s family has recently retained the same attorney that Philando Castille’s family had hired when he, the Montessori school worker, was shot to death by an officer in the same force.




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‘Meat Glue’ & Other Ingredients in California Roll Sushi, Gummy Bears & Salad Dressings Are Now Implicated in Leaky Gut & Mysterious Autoimmune Diseases

If you are dedicated and serious about healing leaky gut and autoimmune disease, I need you to know about a recent study that IDs seven food additives that trigger leaky gut, or at the very least contribute to the condition. So what, exactly, is leaky gut? Known in the medical literature for more than a 100 years as “intestinal permeability,” in my opinion, many modern doctors don’t know how to ID and treat leaky gut. That’s a shame because it’s believed to be at the root of which is at the root of many diseases.




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Philippines prepared for ‘worst-case scenario’ after 733,000 given dengue vaccine that could worsen disease





A dengue fever vaccine, that was recently given to 730,000 school aged Filipino children, has been found to be dangerous and useless. Effective immediately, the country is suspending its immunization program following the new revelations from Sanofi Pasteur.




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She beat cancer with Vitamin B17

Cancer is a scary word and the conventional medicine “cure” is just as scary. That’s part of the reason we like to bring you alternative options besides the old slash and burn method.




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Hired “experts” infiltrating the media to confuse us about food. Don’t let them fool you.

As we become more aware of the chemicals present on the food we put into our bodies, the establishment gets a little nervous. For every person who stops eating conventionally grown fruits and veggies, for each family who no longer purchases ready to eat meals or “food” containing HFGS (high fructose corn syrup), they lose dollars. Lots of dollars. And they are starting to get worried.




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A doctor who won’t use a computer loses her license to practice medicine

Anna Konopka, an 84-year-old medical doctor originally from Poland and currently practicing in New London, New Hampshire, has lost her license for refusing to practice what she calls “electronic medicine.” Get this, rather than keep electronic records or record patient data on a computer, she handwrites her patient records and keeps them in file cabinets. You know, those big tall things with drawers that pull out? Good for her!




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ABC: AI brain implants that can change a person’s mood are tested on humans by US military

The US military has begun testing AI brain implants on humans. These ‘mind control’ implants (chips) emit electronic pulses that alter brain chemistry, and therefore someone’s mood, in a process called ‘deep brain stimulation.’ If they are proven to work, the government could use them to treat “a number of mental health conditions and to ensure a better response to therapy”. 1 The study was published in the journal Nature.




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American Heart Association president suffers heart attack at 52

In the health paradox of the year, 52-year-old cardiologist John Warner, president of the American Heart Association (AHA), recently suffered a heart attack in the middle of a health conference. In a statement, the association reported Warner was in stable condition after having a stent placed to open a blocked artery. Part of Warner’s speech at the Scientific Sessions conference in Anaheim, California, centered around his own family’s struggle with heart disease.




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Dr. Mercola & Dr. Greger on ‘How Not To Die’

Check out the full interview below with Dr. Mercola and Dr. Greger, MD a nutrition expert, physician, founder of, and the author of an excellent new book, “How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease.”




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3 scary reasons why you should never put factory-farmed chicken in your mouth again

Demand for food at cheaper prices has dramatically altered the entire food chain. Today, food production revolves around efficiency—the ability to produce more for less. This mindset has significant ramifications for both animal and human health, and the environment. Today, nearly 65 billion animals worldwide, including cows, chickens, and pigs, are crammed into confined animal feeding operations known as CAFOs.




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In the Lymelight

Over 40 Pages!




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It is with heavy hearts that we announce the death of the young holistic Dr. Annie Fairbanks of Scottsdale AZ.

Why we can’t say the name of the sacred plant


Hey there,

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the death of the young holistic Dr. Annie Fairbanks of Scottsdale AZ. She was self described holistic, and the 77th doctor in my unintended series thus far. The news was just released hours ago that she and her entire family were found shot to death in their home.

You can read the details of the holistic doctor and family by clicking here. Our heart goes out to friends and loved one, including many who have written us today.

On a brighter note, and an odd segue, we had to let you know replay weekend for all 7 episodes of the Sacred Plant is going on now. We don’t say the name of the herb due to censorship but figure you are hip to what it is. We’d planned on sending out a reminder this morning, Saturday, but then had this tragic news so this is getting out a bit later than expected.

Until next time, stay safe, hug your family, pets, loved ones, heck, even hug your enemies (hopefully you have no enemies!) and remember to treasure every day, every moment, every hug.

XO Erin

PS if the docuseries on the plant might help a friend or family member in need be sure to forward them the link or this email!!

Health Nut News: August 17. 2017



Hello Health Nut!


I don’t say super excited very much, but this is an exception.

Finally after years, a groundbreaking mini series revealing the whole truth, as they pull back the veil and wake up the masses. This is one big dose of reality which will be on the screens of millions.

Share ‘GMOs revealed’ with family or friends, as I’ll definitely be sharing with mine. This new masterpiece features pioneers in the movement, from  Dr. Mercola to our friend March Against Monsanto mom and activist, Tami Canal (Love her!)  It’s time for people to open their eyes and see the light.

Click here to watch this brand new mini series, all free. And of course, as always, new stories below.

Xo Erin Elizabeth

As we’ve discussed here before “super sized” houses are on their way out in favor of smaller homes which save people money and instead allow them to invest in their lives, travel, and spend more time outdoors.

There are multiple articles, going back who knows how long, which state that Dr. Robert Gallo is responsible for creating the HIV virus during his stint as a project officer for the US Federal Virus Development Program.

A number of news outlets and conspiracy theorists have predicted that all Americans would be microchipped by 2017. That hasn’t happened yet but, there does seem to be a strong trend in place and microchipping is being sold as a “convenience” to employees.

As always we recommend you educate yourself before you just take a pill. Do your research. Know what the side effects are. You simply cannot trust that the pharmaceutical industry has your best interest at heart because they don’t. They want your money.

As you read this work and put its principles into practice, there are two basic axioms you never want to forget. They are the rock upon which all your actions are based.

The Goldilocks of CBD Oils I found After My Fall. Finally, one that’s “juuust right.”

(And it’s ORGANIC)

In over 2  years of having my site  I’d never been an affiliate for or even endorsed a product. I’ve been asked by a few big name brands, but they never had the right fit.

Then, while traveling in December, I tripped over a clear phone cord that was left out and I came down hard. I don’t think my friends even knew how bad off I was. It wasn’t just the pain I was experiencing, but I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t focus, and the torn shoulder, separated AC joint, hand/wrist injury and broken collar bone didn’t help either.

Free Ebook –
In the Lymelight

Over 40 Pages!


Join my tribe for the latest breaking stories, news and discussions.

Join over 447,000 others following me on Facebook!  You’re automatically entered to win free stuff; from blenders to organic skin care and more.

A New Book Is Out! Naomi Klein: ‘No Is Not Enough’. The Worst Is Yet to Come with Trump. So We Must Be Ready for Shock Politics Democracy Now!!!!!!!




HEALTH NUT NEWS: Holistic Healer. Dr Justine Damond. killed by police in Minneapolis

Holistic Healer, Dr Justine Damond, killed by police in Minneapolis


 Hi It’s Erin Elizabeth,

I want to get this quick update out to you, in case you’d not heard about the case of holistic healer/doctor, 40 year old Justine Damond. 

Justine (pictured below) was killed Saturday night by Minneapolis police right outside her own home. She’d called them about a noise/ disturbance in the alley behind the home at about 11:30PM before bed. Her fiancé was reportedly out of town on business and they were to be married next month. This bride to be went out to meet the officers when they arrived to respond to her call, and approached their window, in her pajamas no less. All details of what happened (like being shot multiple time through the open window) that we know so far from there are in the piece below. Many nations around the world are in an uproar over what is being called an unjust death. Even the local city mayor and other political leaders are demanding answers and asking why they had turned their body cams off.

You can watch some of Justine’s scientific lectures in the article, along with more details about her breakthrough work to help people with cancer and understand the true science of the disease and prevention, as she lost so many of her own family members to it in recent years. You can also read more about her and the officer as well.

Our heart goes out to friends and family, AND to our many close mutual friends I’ve discovered I have with Justine since I reported on this tragedy. As one of her close friends said (who I know well) “Justine would only hope this yields peace and healing as she was the brightest light…” I hope so too. We could use some healing in the US and worldwide right now.



PS We only have one sponsor to keep this site going for millions who read it a month, as we sell no products. For the best raw organic CBD oil on the market and the only one I take; try 

On Saturday night, Dr. Justine Damond, 40, a well known Australian healer and former veterinarian from Sydney, was shot by police in her pajamas outside her home. Justine had made a call to police to report a disturbance she heard in the alley way outside the home.

If you are suffering with receding gums (when the tissue of the gum around the teeth corrodes and it looks like your gums have receded backwards) take heart, there is holistic hope for you! Even though receding gums are the perfect place for bacteria growth, by including some of these simple treatments, you can regrow your gums and cut down on pain and infection.

The Trump administration has proposed that oil companies be allowed to continue dumping unlimited amounts of offshore fracking

chemicals into the Gulf of Mexico but it seems this violates federal law (it also threatens marine wildlife, but- duh).

But first, peanuts are not nuts. They are actually legumes and belong to the same family as beans. Compared to nuts, peanuts have a soft outer shell and they grow underground, making them susceptible to toxins, like aflotoxin (a type of mycotoxin produced by Aspergillus molds).

Back in 1950’s, the US military conducted a test to see whether San Francisco’s famous fog could be used to help spread a biological weapon.

Yes, you read that correctly. In the 50’s the US perpetrated a simulated germ-warfare attack on its own people. And no one knew.

The Goldilocks of CBD Oils I found After My Fall. Finally, one that’s “juuust right.”

(And it’s ORGANIC)

In over 2  years of having my site  I’d never been an affiliate for or even endorsed a product. I’ve been asked by a few big name brands, but they never had the right fit.

Then, while traveling in December, I tripped over a clear phone cord that was left out and I came down hard. I don’t think my friends even knew how bad off I was. It wasn’t just the pain I was experiencing, but I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t focus, and the torn shoulder, separated AC joint, hand/wrist injury and broken collar bone didn’t help either.

Hello Health Nut! NEW’S


More breaking stories than ever before 


Hello Health Nut!

I’m keeping it short and sweet, because I’ve got countless lead stories I want to get out to you right now. In fact, we’ve used all the space available from our newsletter provider. So, check them out…there’s even some good news to boot!

Stay turned for my next newsletter. I’ve got big news to share that no one else knows about. 

Until then, check out the stories below!

P.S. Our only sponsor’s (our partnership keeps our site up and running so we can continue to reach millions of readers) amazing, raw organic CBD oil is marked down right now. This is the one I trust the most, and you can find at I swear by it guys, it’s changed my life. 

XO – Erin

On Thursday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that federal prosecutors charged more than 400 people (doctors, nurses and pharmacists) for taking part in medical fraud and opioid scams that totaled $1.3 BILLION in fraudulent billing…

 There is a reason that people have learned reading, writing and arithmetic in generally the same way over the years, and that’s because the tried-and-true traditional methods work. That’s why many people wondered what…

Something has happened to the children in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina; 11 kids have been diagnosed with rare brain cancer and they all live within miles of each other. And now, local mothers are wondering if they are connected and what the cause might be.

Once a young lady has her first menstrual cycle, the ObGyn expects to see her and if not then, certainly by the time she is 18 years old. And thus begins the annual “lady days ritual,” as I call it…

Frankincense has a significant meaning in Christianity, and is believed to be one of the gifts offered by the three wise men to the newborn Jesus. Today, this fragrant resin is transformed into an essential oil that’s valued not only in religious practice, but also in aromatherapy and natural health. Read on to learn more about frankincense oil.

In September 2016, Dr Oz did a story on RFID chips. He was interested in the story and asked his producer to do a little digging. What he found were only benefits because you could now be tracked “like your pets or your phone.” However, given what we KNOW about government surveillance and snooping, we should be worried.

The dangers of drinking water that contains high levels of fluoride are well known. Some of the known side effects of drinking water that contains fluoride are dental fluorosisreduced intelligence in children and a damaged nervous system.

The government has been after him for a decade or two and now it seems they finally found a way to put him away and end all the amazing work he’s been doing at his healing clinic, under the supervision of a DO who was also an MD and an NMD (all three!) so it should not matter if he had a license or not! 

On the morning of June 30, 2017, a federal judge sentenced an Amish man to six years in prison. His crimes: making and selling herbal health products that were not “adequately labeled”, and obstructing a federal agency.

Studies show that roughly 65% of women dye their hair, so odds are you’ve experienced the over-the-counter hair dyes you can find at any drug store. You also might have noticed the alarming amount of chemicals in…

A new study has suggested that chemotherapy could allow cancer to spread, and trigger more aggressive tumors. Researchers in the U.S. studied the impact of drugs on patients with breast cancer and found, “medication increases the chance of cancer cells migrating to other parts of the body, where they are almost always lethal.”

Documentation received from the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) states that between 2009 and 2010 the mercury-laden combined flu vaccinations have increased Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systems (VAERS) fetal death reports by 4,250 percent in pregnant women. Eileen Dannemann, NCOW’s director…

OAKLAND, Calif.—Three nonprofit groups filed suit today against Laurel, Miss.-based Sanderson Farms, Inc. (NASDAQ: SAFM) for falsely advertising products that contain a wide range of unnatural and in some cases prohibited substances, as “100% Natural.” Substances include…


Pesticides are everywhere. According to the EWG, The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s tests have found widespread pesticide contamination on popular fruits and vegetables. At least one pesticide was found on nearly three-quarters of…


Seriously, you can train a cannabis plant to grow into pretty much any shape you can imagine. And if you do it right, you can train your plant to look just like a real life bonsai tree. The only difference is that your bonsai tree will get you high! (Or help make life-saving cannabis oil!)

Doctors call it a “medication administration error.” During a routine check-up at her pediatrician’s office, 4-month old Aniya was accidentally given the Gardasil 9 vaccine, and she hasn’t been the same since…

You don’t know what you’re missing if you’ve never owned a Himalayan Pink Salt Lamp. It’s like having an open window – a softly glowing natural source of fresh, clean air – on your desk, in your living room, next to the bed, or anywhere you choose to put it…

Have you felt hurt or betrayed? Have you ever been so bitter and upset towards a situation or person that you could not imagine forgiving them? You may have even replayed the event(s) over and over in your head. With each repetition, your feelings intensify and you feel worse about yourself and it. There is evidence to prove that…


If you’ve ever suffered from anxiety you know how debilitating it can be. In fact, it is the third most common mental health issue worldwide. As for headaches, well, everyone has suffered from a headache at least once in their life. While doctors may prescribe meds, they don’t work for everyone can do damage with long term usage. Instead, there are some natural ways that you can fight anxiety…

Humans have cultivated and used the flowering tops of the female cannabis plant, known colloquially as marijuana, since history was recorded. Archaeologists in Central Asia even found over 2 pounds of cannabis in a 2,700 year-old grave of a shaman…


 I spend many hours of my day looking for research and stories that I think you need to know about, might find interesting, and simply, might enjoy. This full-length movie is a story I think you should know about; it’s an hour and thirty sevens minutes of information and education.

“When I went through medical school, I was taught that vaccines were completely safe and completely effective, and I had no reason to believe otherwise. All the information that I was taught was pretty standard in all the medical schools and the teachings and scientific literature throughout the country. I had no reason to disbelieve it…”

This quick and easy coconut ice cream is as simple as open, pour, stir, blend, chill, churn and devour. As long as you can use a can opener, you can be chowing down on fresh vegan coconut ice cream in a matter of hours. 

 Coffee is a worldwide breakfast staple, and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. But for the coffee-lovers that are getting their fix on the go, it’s important to be careful about what kind of drinks they’re buying.

Using data from a 2013 study by Democratic staff from the U.S. Committee on Education and the Workforce, the “Americans for Tax Fairness” (a coalition of 400 national and state-level progressive groups) found, “The study estimated the cost…

Buffalohair: Legendary Burmese Activist/Artist Sitt Nyein Aye Gallery Appears in Trinidad / Colorado Go Fund Me.Click here to support LETS MAKE GLOBAL ART HISTORY organized by Carlos Buffalohair………

Buffalohair: Legendary Burmese Activist/Artist Sitt Nyein Aye Gallery Appears in Trinidad / Colorado Go Fund Me.Click here to support LETS MAKE GLOBAL ART HISTORY organized by Carlos Buffalohair………

A huge Art Gallery is in the works! Yes, Buffalohair is busy making a huge Gallery!

On two large city blocks, which will be named after the …..Legendary Burmese Activist/Artist Sitt Nyein Aye! Where he will also have his own, First Class Gallery!

Yes, every thing will be First Class when Buffalohair is done creating his own work of art , this Gallery !





Yes, The New Pup Reporter Loki, is behind this one! Stamp of Approval : Bear The Wonder Dog Approves!

Youth and their Art may have their own Museum / Gallery. A good start today With Their paintings!

Would each of us that are visiting these pages , be willing to send a USA Dollar / $1.00 for the International Children Artist Museum  AT ” Sitt Nyein Aye , Art and Culture Center ”  and help the Children send in their Art for Display and the selling their art for them, Around the World ?

Awe ……. Thank You so much!

Love, Ann



Carlos Buffalohair shared a link.
1 hr ·

Click here to support LETS MAKE GLOBAL ART HISTORY organized by Carlos Buffalohair
The Sitt Nyein Aye Art’s & Cultural Center Named for renowned Burmese artist/activist U Sitt Nyein Aye, this complex is actually a lumberyard set on two…
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The Sitt Nyein Aye Art’s & Cultural Center

Named for renowned Burmese Artist/Activist U Sitt Nyein Aye, this complex is actually a lumberyard set on two commercially zoned blocks (1 acre), with approximately 30,000 sq. ft. of covered space,  2 story building, warehouses, blab, blab, blab. The story of how we managed to score this primo piece of property is a story in itself for it was a hazardous journey.

Now we own it all, lock, stock and tomahawk but we face another daunting challenge, to bring the existing compound up to speed with regard to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled People (CRPD), The International Disabilities Alliance (IDA) & The American’s With Disabilities Act (ADA).

Being that I am disabled as well as many of my friends I know the struggles a disabled person must endure during the course of just one day, both physical and the emotional aspects of our condition. I don’t simply want to comply with disabilities mandates, I want to embrace these mandates.

Lessons learned by the devastating Oakland Artist Collective Fire a few months back exposed the  critical need to address public safety from a variety of vantage points. What about the disabled people who would not be as ambulatory in escaping a fire? How would they escape & how would they survive?

Adding to our concerns is the fact we want to build an International Children’s Art Museum within this complex. How can we make this facility safe for everyone who enters this compound, especially kids? Toss in the myriad of shops, galleries and the visitors they will being to our complex and it is all to clear, Public Safety & Disabilities MUST be addressed from the very beginning NOT as an after thought.

After watching as our community races to comply with Disabilities mandates after the fact, spending millions to renovate and cobble ramps and doorways, we want to do things different and that is why I am here, to petition the global art community for assistance.

I mentioned 5 million dollars as the sum we would need to bring this arts center into compliance in the very beginning and believe me, this is a conservative estimate since fire mitigation is also necessary. So I am petitioning for the assistance from the international commercial sector as well as the citizens & artisans of the world in the evolution of this arts complex.

Along with funding it would be way cool to have engineers, architects and innovators in the field of Disabilities to assist in the construction of this arts complex. This could be a veritable showcase of  innovation   design that could revolutionize how we address the growing number of disabled clientele globally speaking.

Being that I am disabled I can safely say that it would be nice to be able to visit places that are accessible to the disabled regardless of handicap. To have freedom of movement and share in the beauty of art rather than wondering if your wheelchair will fit in the door. When I was wheelchair bound I hated crashing into people because there was no room on the walk path for me to pass.

Who would benefit from this Project? The Global Art Community & the disabled would by having another international arts and cultural destination. But for the disabled artists & entrepreneur this would be a blessing. To address the needs for the disabled from the very beginning would also open up opportunity for the disabled to get involved with this arts & cultural project from the very onset. Maybe have their own store or gallery.

The lumberyard is raw, ready for development and is prime for Innovations in the world of disabilities. This must be addressed before we can move forward. Addressing disabilities in the design & construction of this complex will save millions if we address this in the beginning. With the help of the global public and experienced professionals in the World of Disabilities this could be more than a real cool art & cultural center.

The Sitt Nyein Aye Arts & Cultural Center would be an international showcase or blueprint of how we can address the needs of disabled human beings in the future. Now that would make history in any ones book.

My mentor and dear friend the late Robert Perske championed the cause of the disabled and he continues to be my inspiration. If only he was here to see what I’ve gotten myself into now.

I know he would be proud…






Chemtrails : Dark Mood Changes / Un -friendly People/ Anger/ Fighting/ Prince Talks Chemtrails































































































Prince Talks Chemtrails on PBS in 2009 – YouTube

Apr 21, 2016 – Uploaded by Mark Dice

Prince Talks Chemtrails on PBS in 2009. Mark Dice. Loading. …. I believe that the singer Prince was telling …

If you are new to this subject, the red window, “Climate Engineering, A Clear And Present …. Revived Keystone XL Pipeline There Is A Scene You Must See To Believe … two multibillion-dollar underground pipelines that would snake oil through US ….. Now it seems the spraying is a lot lower, the chemtrails don’t spread that …

Mar 23, 2014 – Uploaded by Alex Alexander

Rosalind Peterson Confirms Chemtrails/Geoengineering/SRM Are Very … But i think they have been dumbed …

Holly + Wood: Masters of Mind Control (chemtrails) – YouTube

Mar 8, 2009 – I think it’s a great initiation issue, because it’s so obvious. … Jewish Muslim Christian Army Chemtrails Alex Jones David Icke Al dajjal Anti Christ …

Jul 4, 2009 – Uploaded by revolutionistusa

Believe it or not-it’s true, even discovery channel has reported on them. … cult spawned ISLAM pedo cult and …

Sep 25, 2014 – Uploaded by The Vigilant Christian

Chemtrails = Illuminati Satanic Sorcery Used for Mind Control EXPOSED !!! The Vigilant Christian. Loading …























Face To Face: Dennis Ward sits down with renowned activist. Winona LaDuke …

Face To Face: Dennis Ward sits down with renowned activist, Winona LaDuke

APTN Face To Face
Internationally renowned activist, environmentalist and economist, Winona LaDuke is currently touring Canada speaking out against Enbridge’s Line 3 pipeline project. The two-time U-S Vice-Presidential candidate is this week’s guest on Face to Face.

LaDuke joins host Dennis Ward to discuss Standing Rock, Donald Trump and the upcoming fight against recently approved pipelines in Canada.