Buffalohair: Warning to Global Oligarchists and Their False G*D

Warning to Global Oligarchists and Their False G*D

Devil2When the wave of conscience flows throughout the universe the people will know the truth of what you are, what you’ve done and the crimes you’ve committed against humanity to achieve your goals. They will also know with whom you have been privy to over the centuries. You will be exposed for the vermin you truly are and the depths you’ve gone to secure your empire throughout history for this is your destiny.



Enjoy your day of darkness for this will be a shallow victory indeed because this also marks the beginning of the end of your fetid amoral society that was built on the bones of the innocent. As you relished the forces of evil you’ve ignored the forces of good but alas you will come full circle and deliciate in a requiem of retribution. Your G*D will soon betray you much like you are betraying your own and the mystic world you so embrace will become your prison from which you will never escape.



It was said in many visions that man would almost reach their globalist objectives only to be vanquished by elements they never expected or considered. Your G*D would be revealed for the charlatan he and his minions truly are for their destiny is also etched in stone. Remunerations will be administered in ways man is incapable of fathoming by beings they truly fear. Their fate will mirror yours as you learn they are not G*Ds but celestial frauds who’ve preyed on the insolent and greedy of which you fit the criteria. It truly is the beginning of the end and I relish its arrival for light will fill the void where darkness once reigned in the new dawning of humanity.



Frankly speaking; you don’t realize how dire your plight is but when you do, it will already be too late to alter your destiny. The cries you hear will soon be of your own. I must query as to why your soothsayers, astrologers or false G*D failed to tell you this truism or maybe they are no longer privy to all the secrets of the universe. Humanity will reign once again but unfortunately it will not include you or your false G*D. This is your final warning according to the spirits of light.



Your Devil’s Advocate




© 2012, Buffalohair Productions. All rights reserved.

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Global Oligarchy is Here To Stay,….for a while


Global Oligarchy is Here To Stay,….for a while

“Oligarchy: is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with an elite class distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, commercial, and/or military legitimacy”


Hmm, sounds all to familiar but the reality is, Oligarchy is the wave of the future though it’s marketed as “Globalization or the New World Order” There is no need to point fingers since both sides of the political isle in the US and the so called free world are saturated with investor/politicians who’ve floated corporate interests before the needs of the people they are supposed to serve. Insider trading and stock manipulation are their tools of the trade. But that’s OK since it’s all about the money these days.


For that matter Russia and China don’t have communist leaders anymore. Putin and Medvedev both touted the cause for a new world order many times during their reign and steered Russia towards that fascist goal. Russia’s bogus election only picked a scab on a sore that will not heal and it was the last straw that enraged the people of Russia. Now the cat is out of the bag and Putin will resort to violence to retain his rule, but the people stand more defiant than ever before. Chinese thugs who’ve infiltrated the Chinese Communist Party have turned China into the world’s sweatshop to the joy of corporate fascists around the world. Mao would be turning over in his grave if he witnessed what China has become. After all, China is now ruled by the Landlord Class Fascists with the blessings of the World Trade Organization. Does not say much for the WTO since their membership reads like a ‘whose who’ in worldwide tyranny, slave labor and human trafficking.


If you remove all the borders, cultures and creeds you have two basic groups, the ruling or elite class and the subservient or working class. The protests or “Dawns” around the world are not secular by any stretch of the word because citizens are simply pissed off at lying politicians who front for corporations at the expense of the people. When you do the math or follow the money it becomes a fetid journey into the dark side of corporate corruption on a grand scale. Presidents, Kings and dictators from around the world are being fed cash under the table to allow corporations to rape their countries and kill their citizens. Africa, Central and South America are a testament to the wholesale slaughter of natives by private armies to clear the way for mines and plantations. *Chiquita Banana was convicted for funding right-wing terrorist organizations (FARC & AUC) who murdered Colombian villagers for plantation land. **Pig iron produced in Brazil for US Industries utilizes slave labor. Small wonder money is cursed for ‘profits from slavery’ is blood money.


Asia’s track record is of equal pall and human trafficking abounds to the joy of slave hungry corporations. China has a most lucrative Gulag System and the use of slaves is an accepted part of commerce. Western corporations have pounced on the opportunity to have cheap labor and divested in nations that adhere to laws that govern human rights and employer/employee relations. Environment? Forget about it. Trafficking labor and sex slaves is beyond epidemic proportions in Asia and corporatists have capitalized on the abundance of slaves. China is not a stable nation and is struggling with internal revolts from all quarters within its borders as of this writing. It’s only a matter of time before China’s dragon reawakens and consumes the evil that has victimized this once proud nation. And it would be poetic justice for corporate thugs who’ve abandoned America to be stuck in China when the revolution breaks out since they were in cahoots with the fetid Regime. The Chinese public knows who they are and where they live to. My bad……


Africa is a classic example of absolute corruption since corporations from around the world have landed with a vengeance. Tin horn dictators have a green light to censor torture and murder their own citizens if they pose a threat to the corporate cash flow that lines their pockets. Africa is a dark continent but not for the color of skin but for the evil that prevails in this resource rich continent. Why is it OK to subjugate the populations of Africa for corporations? The people of Africa, regardless of nation, should be wealthy or at the very least comfortable considering the trillions and trillions of dollars that was made or stolen by a hand full of people. It’s a corporate free for all as the world strips Africa of all her natural resources while giving her citizens nothing in return. We baulk at giving aid to Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Somalia and other beleaguered African nations while basking in her stolen wealth and we wonder why we are poised to suffer economically in the very near future. What comes around goes around homeboy/girl.


What did we learn about the Arab uprisings? Though the media wants you to think it’s all about Islam and the boogieman Muslims, it’s not. It’s all about corruption committed by their politicians and corporations who hoarded the nation’s wealth. We should have also caught the part where all these fallen Arab dictators were on the take from corporations throughout their bloody reigns. Funny how corporations had free reign in these nations while the citizens were suppressed censored and murdered. Small wonder the mid-east is in flames. But leave it to the media to plant a communist or jihadist label on these events to throw the blame elsewhere. Keeping people at odds with one another is the mainstay of the corporate owned media and a good job they did to. Divide and conquer, for the corporate bottom line.


In contrast India is in the midst of an anti-corruption campaign lead by Anna Hazare who founded the Indian Anti-Corruption Movement. The movement has grown exponentially and has become a powerhouse in the cause of anti-corruption within India. Obviously he is not a darling of the corporate world and the media in the west has managed to keep him out of the limelight. It’s a case for ‘out of sight, out of mind and easy to kill’, quietly. In India he is the rave with massive public support and his movement has identified corruption on a scale never before challenged in India. Granted Anna faces some very powerful international corporations, powerful political figures and it should be clear he is the target of assassination, the price paid for championing truth in an era of lies.


It’s a ‘war without borders’ as global oligarchists wage war on the citizens of the world, plain and simple. Greed and control are the axioms of today’s industrialists and we are the pawns in the most elaborate world takeover ever pulled off. When we watch protesters in London or Greece as they protest government/banker criminality we should realize these protesters are in the trenches fighting for democracy. The reason the Occupy movement seems so skewed is because there are many Americans from all quarters who are disillusioned by the absolute corruption that has become business as usual. Everyone has been betrayed in one form or another and people are starting to connect the dots, but the damage is already done.


Not everyone in the Occupy movement is a communist, fascist or fringe but average citizen’s who had enough with lies, corruption and bankers above the law. There are people from all walks of life who lost it all, job, home and family that are protesting. Veterans who’ve fought and spilled their blood who are disillusioned by the corruption are protesting and the list goes on and on. The riots on the streets around the world are directly related to one another. It is the voice of the people sick and tired of corporate/bank owned politicians who’ve betrayed their people. But sadly it will all be for not since corporate oligarchists own many of our politicians and they control the militaries, police forces and the judiciary. The one world order thing was also a part of prophecy. And if you did read your sacred book then you would also know this era of global tyranny will be short lived anyway. After all, we are living in a time of great change and man is powerless to alter the course of destiny. The only change man can alter is pocket change, capice?


* http://talkingaboutcolombia.com/2011/06/14/chiquita-banana-guilty-of-paying-fto%E2%80%99s-now-faces-mass-lawsuit/




** http://www.os.org.br/destaque/escrav/escrav_eng.htm


Your Devil’s Advocate


Buffalohair, Standard & Poor Fraudsters Become Members of the Food Chain

Standard & Poor Fraudsters Become Members of the Food Chain

It should be no surprise S&J down graded the US since they were in on the destruction of our economy in the first place. Just remember the fact they were up to their eye lids in corruption that brought down the world economy in the first place. Surely you remember, if not oh well. They and other financial schlocks intentionally crippled world economies while lined their pockets as everyone lost homes and jobs. What do you expect from another Bilderberg lackey since it’s all about colonizing the planet through globalization?

Funny how the crème of the crème of the Bilderberg Cartel are loathsome criminals under investigation like Murdock, Straus Khan and Lagarde but we don’t blink an eye. After all, much of the world media is controlled by butt-crack Bilderberg lackeys. Now S&P has the gall to downgrade America after they were part and parcel responsible for this continuous economic crash. Follow the money and you will discover that the elites of both political parties are invested in China and everything Bilderberg. They should get an Oscar for their latest performance arguing about $300 Billion bucks while trillions go out the back door without a peep from the Bilderberg Press. Or did you catch that eh?

China, a Bilderberg conscript via the Bilderberg/World Trade Organization, has already stated they will no longer loan out cash. Pay attention boys and girls since this has paved the way for American Austerity and the loss of national sovereignty whence the Bilderberg/International Monetary Fund steps in. The loss of national identity, sovereignty and constitution by a nonelected body of criminal trillionaires is the core to the violence when the IMF stepped in and took over the nation, financially. Greece was the first to lose their sovereignty and it’s more than a coincidence this occurred in the birthplace of democracy. Maybe they did not have enough fluoride in their water for mind control. And as we all should know by now, democracy has no place in globalization since they are diametrically opposite to one another.

Welcome to the New World Order since it was always known that the financial side to this world takeover by the elitists was the final obstacle. Do your homework and pay attention. It is funny how the Bilderberg Cartel is filled with descendants of the people who murdered their way through Europe and eventually into the Americas several hundred years ago. Now they are murdering their way into every country on the planet for natural resources and slave labor simply for the corporate bottom line. Greed has come full circle and now everyone will soon know what life is like as a Native American, African or any other tribe or caste of people who were thrown off their land, placed in colonies or simply murdered. Whence the totality of this worldwide takeover is fully realized the world will become filled with blood and flames. Armies will revolt against police forces that have become the henchmen for corrupt politicians. Opps, my bad, they already have in some places on Earth only this time we will have a front row seat. Get your lawn chairs out and your favorite Canadian beer because the fun has already begun and I don’t think there will be any commercial breaks or a halftime show.

Fortunately we are living in the time of great change and this is a part of prophecy as man races for the gold at ALL costs. Sorry boys, Ma Earth has other plans and there is nothing any wizards or astrologers can do to stop this destiny. What comes around goes around and the greed who’ve preyed on societies simply to buy a platinum toilet seat will find themselves picking corn out of cow dung, like the rest of us. Only problem is, they will be marked people who usher in another piece of history that will repeat itself as the planet revisits the era of the French Revolution. Their private armies will turn on them, their wealth will be meaningless and their heads will be mounted on stakes by angry mobs during the “Pandemonium Period” that will ensue. Let them eat cake.

It’s not going to be a pretty time during the transition and it will be hard times for all of us from a multitude of reasons but that’s how it goes. It’s written within sacred texts around the world so this is not a news flash, just a reminder. This is a part of prophecy as well. 2012 only marks the ending and beginning of cycles, not the end of the world but it very well may be the end of the world for those who live on axiom of greed. Keep it up S&P because there are plenty of stakes with your names on it. Goldman Sucks and JP Morgan are just a few criminal cartels who’ve systematically destroyed economies but not a soul went to jail. Bernie Madoff was just a miniscule tip of the ice berg but a classic example of the scum that are trying to financially take over the world, how far beyond stupid is that?

If the world has to revert to cannibalism because of the lack of food just remember the rich are not full of chemicals and hormones since they don’t eat the GMO crappola they feed us. They might be greasy and chock full of triglycerides though. Again, another piece of history waiting to repeat itself so make sure to have a few extra bottles of garlic salt and pepper in your survival pack. I don’t think they would be Kosher or Halal since they are considered ‘Long Pork’. Maybe a bottle or two of Tabasco sauce would be nice. In all reality, I’ll just make my special BBQ sauce. That reminds me, I should also stock up on Mesquite and some fruit woods since I smoke my own meats. Sugar cured Bilderberg Ham, yummy. I’ll pass on the Straus Khan sausage though.

Bon Appétit……

Your Devil’s Advocate