Sadly. this young mom an wife in her 20s who wasn’t injured in the shooting. was found dead just days later the cause is still unknown.




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Hey there,

We’ve had so much turmoil in the world lately, but I wanted to share a story with you about Kimberley, who wrote extensively about surviving the Las Vegas massacre and her account of the incident. Sadly, this young mom and wife in her 20s who wasn’t injured in the shooting, was found dead just days later and the cause is still unknown. You can read her story here.

I am going to be the emcee at the ACIM event in Orlando starting Nov 3rd, with some of the best holistic doctors from around the world. I’m excited to be presented with an award for our journalism that Friday night at the Doctors Who Rock ceremony even though I’m not a doctor (gratitude).

I then hop on a plane straight to Las Vegas same day, where I’ve been asked to be a keynote speakers at an event with another group of passionate holistic doctors. I also have a few interviews lined up there about the recent tragedies in town.

I’ll keep you up to date with everything and until then, stay strong. There are some breaking articles below for you as well.

Love Erin

PS we could use your support at Facebook, as they continue to bury sites that tell the truth. Please click and give us a like.


Second mom in a week faces possibility of jail for refusing to vaccinate her child

Detroit, MI — Only days after Judge Karen McDonald sentenced Rebecca Bredow to jail for choosing not to vaccinate her son, another mother is facing the same potential fate. Lori Matheson is now facing the same court who, only days earlier, sent a mom to jail for refusing to vaccinate.




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Breaking: Anti-Geoengineering Legal Team Sues The US Department Of Commerce

The “Government” of the United States long ago decided they were above the law, the completely illegal covert climate engineering operations are a glaring case in point. Exposing and halting the ongoing climate engineering/geoengineering assault continues to be the primary focus of and the Legal Alliance to Stop Geoengineering (LASG).




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A secret has been uncovered: Cancer is not a disease but a business!

We have pledged to share info with you that we believe you might find helpful and we will do that for as long as we are able. However, every once in awhile the info we share needs to be accompanied by a disclaimer- this is one of those stories:




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Indiana CPS drops case against family giving daughter hemp oil for epilepsy

This is a guest piece by our friends at Health Impact News. I’m just so thrilled CPS dropped the case in Indiana. I was adopted and brought to Indiana (same area) at 2 months old, and only wish CBD had been an option back then for my own seizures. The crazy part is this wasn’t even CBD with THC! It was just CBD oil, like the kind I take which is organic and get here:




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The Goldilocks of CBD Oils I found After My Fall. Finally, one that’s “juuust right.”

(And it’s ORGANIC)

In over 2 years of having my site I’d never been an affiliate for or even endorsed a product. I’ve been asked by a few big name brands, but they never had the right fit.

Then, while traveling in December, I tripped over a clear phone cord that was left out and I came down hard. I don’t think my friends even knew how bad off I was. It wasn’t just the pain I was experiencing, but I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t focus, and the torn shoulder, separated AC joint, hand/wrist injury and broken collar bone didn’t help either.




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health nut news | 226 North Nova Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32174

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